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“They want to turn this into a tavern, but we won’t let them.” PSD deputy receives applause from the left and leaves with a standing ovation from the PS

The debate requested by Chega on the accusations of racism in the security forces increased the tension throughout the afternoon and, already in the final stretch, the PSD deputy André Coelho Lima won the applause of the PCP and the Bloco de Esquerda and ended with a standing ovation from the PS when he told Chega: “They want to turn Parliament into a tavernbut we won’t let it.”

The former vice president of Rui Rio, who has been responsible for the area of ​​security forces in the PSD parliamentary group in recent years, criticized “the infantilization of this matter that Chega does” and even criticized the government of António Costa for the “lack of investment in the last seven years”, praising the role of the consortium of journalists who denounced cases of racism in the police (“A job that the Government should have done”).

Shortly after, the Social Democratic deputy pointed out to the president of Chega, André Ventura: “If you can silence a little whoever tries to bother whoever tries to speak. Let me talk. You try to turn this into a tavern but we we will not leave“, he said amid loud applause from the PSD and PS, which spread to other benches on the left.

At stake, among other episodes throughout the afternoon, was Coelho Lima’s criticism of the moment in which André Ventura pointed out to the deputy Gabriel Mithá Ribeiro indicating that he is “the only black in this room”, recalling the PS also the presence of Romualda Fernandes. . The PSD deputy criticized the moment and ended by saying: “There is no blacknor Asians, there are Portuguese”.

André Coelho Lima ended up receiving a standing ovation from the PSD and a large part of the PS bench, also receiving applause from the Bloco de Esquerda and the PCP when he said that the security forces “are heroes but not only from Chega, they are from the PSD, the PS, the Liberal Initiative, the Left Bloc, the PCP, the PAN and the Livre. We have to help them”, criticizing Chega’s “party games” with the police forces.

André Ventura then asked for the floor to say that “when the PCP, Bloco de Esquerda and Livre applaud me talking about the police, I would pack my shirt and leave forever”, adding that “it will remain in the heritage of the PSD to have started the applause of those who call it ‘police bullshit’. And he adds: “The applause from the PS only means that the PSD is getting to sink”, immediately pointing to the galleries where four representatives of police unions were to say that” he prefers the applause of those gentlemen.

Still from Chega, the deputy Filipe Melo also asked for the floor to criticize André Coelho Lima “for having called the innkeepers” to the deputies of Chega and to say that it is “the deputies of the PSD who always miss the debates”.

During the afternoon, Chega has assured that the security forces “are being the target of the greatest persecution since April 25”, with the PS, of Isabel Moreira, regretting that with this debate Chega has “passed a minority certificate to the security forces” and with the Bloco de Esquerda accusing André Ventura’s party of “using” the police. A similar lead followed Livre, with Rui Tavares telling PSP and GNR that “you need to know how to tell good friends from bad friends.” The PCP, on the other hand, pointed not only to André Ventura, but also to the PS and the PSD to say that “more than hypocritical words are needed.”

The Liberal Initiative was, after all, the only party that saw proposals passed at the end of the discussion. The Liberals put forward a recommendation on strengthening community policing and improving data in the Annual National Security Report.

Source: Observadora

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