As part of the competition of the semi-final series of the Lebanese Basketball Championship, the Al-Riyadh team won the first meeting at home with a difference of 11 points and a score of 75-64 against Dynamo in a five-match series, in a match played in the absence of the public due to a fine for the athlete at the Saeb Salam Hall stadium in Al Manar.

Going back to the game, Al Riyadi extended control in the first quarter and pushed forward thanks to his giant Kikanovich before returning to Dinamo and closing the gap in the second quarter, finishing the first category 41-39 to Al Riyadi.

In the third quarter, Al-Riyadi continued his progress, despite the difference of no more than five points, and problems came to contribute to the relegation from Dynamo, where his legionnaire Arman was injured, who did not finish the match, unlike Karim Ezzedine. , who was injured and ended the match, and in the last quarter Dynamo tried to catch up with the athlete and the difference remained about six points in the last minutes in favor of Al-Riyadi, before the sons of coach Geagea managed to win after the participation of veteran Ismail Ahmed, by 11 points, with a score 75-64.