The Taekwondo and Water Transport Federations held a long sports day for Syrian and Palestinian refugee and displaced children arriving from the Dbaye camp, located in the center of the church complex, at the MARSATHI Institute of Technology of Marine Sciences, Batroun, in pursuance of the signed protocol. between President of the International Taekwondo Federation Dr. Chun Won Shu and President of the International Aquatics Federation Dr. Rafael Shiuli.
And in the presence of the President of the Lebanese Taekwondo Federation, Dr. Habib Zarifa, the President of the Lebanese Water Propulsion Federation, Dr. Karla Chaguri, the General Secretary, Hadi Nahul, and the President of the Host Institute, lawyer Steve Assal. , as well as a number of guest, male and female taekwondo athletes.
The beginning was a tour of students around the Institute. The Lebanese national anthem was then played, and on the occasion, words were spoken by the host of the ceremony, Daniela Clough, who thanked those present for participating in this special event, and then by the member of the Equality Committee of the International Federation of Water Engines, Elida Nahoul, who touched on cooperation between the two federations and steps sports day, and then Zarifa, who regarded the event as a message and a mixture of education and sports, as well as the focus on it, and the word Chaguri, who, in turn, thanked everyone and praised the maritime sporting event, whether it was the organization of the trip and providing a protective jacket, in addition to learning the sport of taekwondo. Lebanon as a whole “that they do not lose sight of their homeland, and that their aim and concern remains a safe return to their country and not to allow the conspirator and enemy to impose their plan, which is to make Lebanon an alternative homeland for them.”
Zarifa and Chaguri then presented memorial plaques to Assal, Dr. Charlie Abi Nader and the head of the civil defense unit in Batroun, Rizk Rizk.
Everyone headed to the port of Batroun and it was a cruise for children accompanied by civil defense.
Zarifa and Chaguri signed a protocol on cooperation, and Assal presented Zarifa and Chaguri with two commemorative shields. This was followed by a lecture for the participating civil defense children on how to learn how to use maritime security and protect themselves, followed by training for taekwondo players, in addition to learning the game and how to protect yourself. .