Chinese Vice Premier Liu He, head of the Chinese side of the China-US Comprehensive Economic Dialogue, held a video chat with US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, Xinhua News Agency reported at last request.

The agency noted that “the two sides discussed a range of economic issues, including the state of the macro economy and the stability of global production and supply chains, and characterized their negotiations as constructive.” They also “agreed that at a time when the global economy is facing major challenges, strengthening communication and macro-policy coordination between China and the United States is of great importance, as well as the need to jointly maintain the stability of global production and supply chains for the benefit of both countries and the world as a whole.”

The Chinese side expressed “concern about such issues as the increase in additional tariffs against China, sanctions from the United States and the need for fair treatment of Chinese companies.”

The US Treasury Secretary had previously warned China that its policy towards Russia (after the war in Ukraine) could affect its integration into the global economy.