Babylon Bee president Seth Dillon appeared on Joe Rogan’s popular podcast Tuesday and disagreed with pro-abortionists, adding, “Abortion is a public health issue like love rape.”
Rogan clashed with the CEO of a satirical website over how to legally pass a law requiring women to give birth to a child if the pregnancy was the result of rape.
“You have no right to tell my 14-year-old daughter to carry the rapist’s son. Do you understand? Rogan said there was something he didn’t like. “You get that? It’s a 14-year-old boy. And if you had a 14-year-old kid who was raped, would you say they should have let him in?”
But Rogan’s extreme example did not frighten Dillon.
Thank you @SethDillon – without exception – to promote the human right to life @joeroganout today.@joerogan, Let’s talk. I think we can find a lot in common in protecting families, fighting censorship, and striving for a meaningful life.
— Lila Rose (@LilaGraceRose) 16 August 2022
“I guess two wrongs don’t make a right,” Dillon replied. “I don’t think the answer is murder. I don’t think murder solves rape.
Rogan continued to advance the usual “cell pack” argument: If a woman had an abortion within hours, days, or weeks instead of waiting months, that would be fine. But Dillon didn’t hesitate.
“I don’t agree that you can draw a line, so to speak, as when life began, I don’t think you can draw a line alive and not…” Dillon said.
“I’ll put it like that. I argue that it is wrong to deliberately kill innocent human life,” Dillon explained, “abortion deliberately kills innocent human life; therefore, abortion is wrong.”
Dillon added that all the different criteria, such as whether the fetus is conscious, whether it can feel pain or what you have, have nothing to do with whether the fetus is human life or not. Rogan asked if Dillion thought the fetus had human life when conceived.
“So that’s what you think when you conceive,” said Rogan mockingly, “a miraculous thing happens because at that very moment it’s human life.
But Dillon had an excellent response to the sarcastic example and even turned to the presenter to show how ridiculous Rogan’s idea was.
“At some point, you have to say there’s going to be a magic moment,” Dillon said skillfully, “because you believe we’re going to be important people, right? Where is the moment when you think magic happens?”
Dillon also criticized those who said the fetus was just a “clump of cells” and said they were spreading “harmful misinformation” about human life.
“How would you call this baby a ‘cluster of cells’? I think this is harmful misinformation because you encourage people to kill when there really is a human life, as if it wasn’t there,” Dillon said.
She then worked hard to destroy support for abortion.
“If you want to use rape as an example, I think abortion is about public health as much as rape is about love,” Dillon said. “I think they’re opposites. And these are the euphemisms we use. You know, we use the world of ‘healthcare’, we’re talking about a procedure that takes the life of an innocent person, and we call it ‘health care’? It’s like getting raped and having sex!”
Dillon’s logic struck Rogan, who was fighting for the first time, “So that’s why it’s a human issue, because I understand what you’re talking about.”
“Life is important, like YES, and people almost fell victim to abortion and it didn’t happen. They were great people and we would have lost them,” Rogan said, and the logic of Dillon’s reasoning struck him.
This meeting will likely be the first time many of Rogan’s more liberal admirers will face a serious debate about when human life began. That’s why programs like Rogan’s are so important to society.
We’ve lost the opportunity to hear both sides of the problems Americans face today. The left’s culture of cancellation has worked overtime to eliminate the possibility of Americans getting into serious arguments, and debates have been canceled until only the voice of the far left in the square can be heard.
Listen to the full episode with Rogan and Dillon at: The Joe Rogan Experience Podcast on Spotify.
Source: Breitbart