HomeTechnologyFlooding devastates villages in eastern Afghanistan, leaving several dead

Flooding devastates villages in eastern Afghanistan, leaving several dead

The heavy rains of the last few hours caused floods that devastated several villages in eastern Afghanistan, and preliminary data still point to an unknown number of victims, according to local authorities.

Although the authorities have not given an official death toll, several local media, including the Afghan news channel Tolo, say that at least 10 people have died in last day’s flooding in the eastern province of Logar alone. According to images released this Sunday by the Afghan state news agency Bakhtar, dozens of houses, infrastructure and agricultural fields were destroyed by the floods.

In many provinces there were floods that caused loss of life and property, which causes us great sadness. The government is doing everything possible,” Taliban leader Anas Haqqani said on Twitter.

For his part, Zahir Jan, a member of the Taliban, said on the same social network that the floods “caused serious damage in the Pashta district of Logar, but the exact number of victims is unknown.”

The Taliban government’s Defense Ministry also said it had sent emergency aid to flood victims in several districts of Nangarhar province.

Afghanistan’s Meteorological Department issued a red alert on Sunday for at least ten provinces, including Logar, Panjshir, Ghazni and Kunar regions, due to heavy rain forecast for the next 24 hours. The difficulties posed by the incessant rains make relief operations for the victims even more difficult, as the Taliban government has limited resources to provide assistance and relies heavily on humanitarian agencies.

Source: Observadora

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