HomeTechnologyMars rover "Zhurong" finds traces of periodic flooding on...

Mars rover “Zhurong” finds traces of periodic flooding on Martian plains

The Chinese Mars rover “Zhurong” discovered layers of sedimentary rock in the interior of Mars. This indicates the occurrence of periodic flooding in its plains.

The journal Nature shows that the Chinese navigator “Zhurong” learned about the composition of sedimentary rock layers in the interior of Mars in the Utopia Plain region, which was formed as a result of periodic flooding of the planet.

The researchers said, “We prepared a detailed 1.1 km long geological section and placed it as the trolley bus traveled through the Utopia Plain. We see it under one layer in this multi-layered section with a depth of 70 meters. The presence of this layer indicates that the Utopia Plain was periodically flooded during floods,” said the researchers. indicates that it is covered by sediments.

Based on this information, Chinese scientists drew a three-dimensional map of the composition of the layers of the Plain of Utopia, where some remains of rock, sand and other rocks can be seen at a depth of 50-70 and 20-70. 30 meters. Subsequent analysis of the layers showed that they were sediments formed by floods or strong water currents that pulled large masses of rock, sand and silt from other rivers.

Professor Ling Chen of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing and his scientific team believe that the great thickness of these layers indicates that Mars, at least at certain times, had a large reservoir of liquid water in large basins. . . This increases the likelihood that life will emerge and be born on the surface of the Red Planet before its atmosphere is destroyed.

source: tass

Source: Arabic RT

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