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TAP says the new planes have significantly reduced polluting emissions

TAP defended this Wednesday that the most modern aircraft have allowed to reduce polluting emissions and achieve “a significant improvement” in terms of energy and environmental efficiency, after the Zero association revealed the largest pollutants in the country.

“In TAP there is a reduction, both in terms of jet fuel consumption per passenger, 18.8%like in emissions per passenger (Kg/100pkm)19.1% in 2022, compared to 2021″the company alleged, in a position in which it maintains that the new planes are equipped with more efficient combustion engines: “They make it possible to reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions into the atmosphere by up to 20%.”

Galp’s refinery in Sines is the biggest polluter in the country, with 2.67 million tons of carbon dioxide emitted in 2022, according to a list of the 10 biggest polluters in Portugal compiled by Zero. According to the accounts of the environmental association, top 10 polluters increased greenhouse gas emissions by 18% (GEE) in 2022.

In the assessment of the evolution from 2021 to 2022, the association highlights “the significant increase in emissions from some fossil natural gas power plants for the production of electricity and those associated with air transport (associated with TAP), coupled with an increase in the refining of fossil fuels”.

The Sines de Petrogal refinery is, for the second consecutive year, the most polluting facility, having increased emissions by 16%, with its 2.7 million tons representing 5% of total official emissions in Portugal in 2021.

The association says Sines’ emissions partly reflect the refinery’s takeover of Matosinhos production, which closed.

But he adds to Zero that there is “a very important weight” of fossil fuels in the economy and of polluting emissions, using Galp as an example. “Galp continues to be a company dedicated to the exploration and production of fossil fuelswith more than double their investment dedicated to them with respect to investment in renewables ”, warns the association.

The statement also points out that the refining sector, electricity production from the burning of fossil natural gas, cement, air transport and olefin (hydrocarbon) production complete the “top 10” of the largest polluters in the country.

In addition to the Sines refinery, the list drawn up by Zero includes the Elecgás — Pego combined cycle, with 48% more emissions than in 2021, and in third place is the Turbogás — Outeiro combined cycle, which did not increase emissions. It is followed by EDP — Ribatejo Thermoelectric Plant, with 51% more emissions, Cimpor — Alhandra Production Center, with 28% more emissions, and in sixth place TAP, which increased its emissions by 91% compared to 2021.

In the following places are two cement plants, Cimpor de Souselas and Secil do Outão, both with reduced emissions (especially Secil), EDP — Central Termoelétrica de Lares, with a 13% increase in emissions, and in 10th place. Repsol — Polymers, which reduced emissions by 22%.

In total, the 10 most polluting companies in the country emitted in 2022 more than 12 million tons of carbon dioxide (12,0971,176), when in 2021 they had emitted 10.2 million, representing an increase of 18%.

“It is very probable that these figures imply an increase in the total emissions of the country by the year 2022 and that they are still in the inventory phase”, says Zero.

Regarding 2021, Tejo Energia — Pego Thermoelectric Plant leaves the list and enters, with a rise of five places, in TAP.

To prepare the list, the environmental association used the data provided by the emissions registry associated with the European Emissions Trading (ETS).

CELE integrates the main units of sectors that emit carbon emissions, namely thermal power plants, refining, cement, paper pulp, glass, among others, Zero points out, explaining that in Portugal there are 145 companies that declared emissions in 2022 under CELE .

The association also says that in the case of thermal power plants that use fossil fuels, all emission licenses must be purchased (bought at auction), while in other sectors a large part of the licenses is offered for free and the rest must be purchased. .

In recent months, the cost of a ton of carbon dioxide has been above 80 euros in the European market.

Carbon dioxide is the main greenhouse gas that causes climate change.

Source: Observadora

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