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Water resources are under increased pressure and the European Union may not meet its targets, report says

Europe is far from achieving the objectives of improving water quality and water resources are increasingly overstretched, concludes a report published this Monday by the European Environment Agency.

According to the report, Pollution, habitat degradation, the consequences of climate change and the overuse of drinking water are putting pressure on water resources in Europe. “as if it hadn’t happened before.”

The investigation carried out by the European Environment Agency into the use of water resources was the largest carried out so far and concluded that Europe needs to reverse the path it is following.

“There is no progress towards achieving the objectives of improving the health of waters according to European Union standards”concluded the European agency.

Agriculture is the sector that exerts the greatest burden on water resources, both at surface and underground levels, with impacts that result “from the use of water and the pollution that comes from the intensive use of nutrients and pesticides, according to monitoring carried out by the own researchers.”

Agriculture “is by far” the sector that consumes the most water in the European Union (EU) and, “without changes in practices, the need for irrigated agriculture will likely increase due to climate change.”

Aquatic ecosystems are “severely affected by chemicals” and what remains of coal-fired energy production, as well as “the spread of nutrient and pesticide pollution from agriculture.”

Habitat degradation “is transversal” to all countries.

Only 37% of surface water resources across the EU have achieved “good” or “high” ecological status (ecological status measures the health of an ecosystem), according to standards the EU has set to improve water quality. water and only 29%. reached a “good” chemical state.

The director of the European Environment Agency, Leena Ylä-Mononen, acknowledged that The health of the waters in Europe “is not good.”

“Our waters are facing unprecedented challenges and water security in Europe is at risk,” he lamented, calling for “redoubling efforts” to guarantee this “vital resource for future generations.”

Groundwater resources are in better condition, 77% have a “good” chemical status and 91% are available in sufficient quantities.

But “there has been no progress” in the quality of these resources, so the trend is towards deterioration.

The European Environment Agency has warned of the need to reduce water use, making it “more efficient”, reducing, for example, the water pressure in supply networks.

Member States, added that institution, must make more efforts to meet the objectives established by Brussels, in order to preserve water resources.

Source: Observadora

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