HomeTechnologyScientists demonstrate again on Wednesday in Lisbon against precariousness

Scientists demonstrate again on Wednesday in Lisbon against precariousness

Scientists will demonstrate again on Wednesday in Lisbon against job insecurity, a protest that will bring together several unions and organizations in a march between the Ministry of Science and the Assembly of the Republic.

In statements to Lusa, José Moreira, president of the National Union of Higher Education (Snesup), which this Thursday published the call for the demonstration on its website, stated that “It is necessary to pay off the debt that the country owes” to scientists: “to have a decent life, with a career.”

Without this, according to the union leader, it is not possible to have “a consolidated and more competitive scientific system.”

José Moreira recognizes that “Some steps were taken”, although “very slow”to end precariousness, such as replacing scholarships with work contracts, even of a fixed duration, and launching a program that allows researchers with completed doctorates to access their careers.

“The big problem is the numbers,” said the director, pointing out that the recent FCT-Tenure program (co-financed by the Foundation for Science and Technology) opened 1,100 vacancies this year for scientific careers or university teachers, while there are 2,000 researchers. with “end of employment contract”.

According to Snesup, who represents professors and researchers working in universities and polytechnic institutes, Only 15% of scientists with an employment contract are in their career, while the rest have precarious labor relationships.

“It is necessary to create staff positions,” he stressed, pointing out that there are scientists over 40 or 50 years old without a stable life.

The national demonstration against precariousness in science is promoted by several structures, including Snesup, the National Federation of Teachers (Fenprof), the Archeology Workers Union, the Organization of Scientific Workers, the Association of Scientific Researchers and the Association of the Fight against Precariousness – Inflexible Precarious.

Snesup issued a strike notice for next Wednesday to “give legal coverage to any person who has to be absent from the workplace to participate in the demonstration.”

Fenprof, which represents researchers who are also professors, also issued a similar strike notice, demanding “a permanent financing mechanism for recruitment for a career in scientific research” and “coherent financing for the scientific employment of PhDs.” .

The demonstration begins with a rally in front of the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation, It continues towards the headquarters of the Foundation for Science and Technology and ends next to the Assembly of the Republic, where on July 18 of last year there was a protest against the precariousness of scientific work when the then Minister of Science, Elvira Fortunato, participated in a protest. parliamentary hearing on the matter.

Also last year, but on May 16, National Scientist’s Day, researchers took to the streets in Lisbon against precariousness and on July 3 in Porto, when the national science meeting was held.

Source: Observadora

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