HomeTrending12 scientifically proven signs that you are in love

12 scientifically proven signs that you are in love

You may have encountered some signs that you are in love, daydreaming, dreaming of a future with your partner, beautiful thoughts are just some of the signs that you are in love.

Scientists have determined exactly what it means to “fall in love”, and researchers have discovered that a person’s brain during love looks very different from someone who is only experiencing lust, and also different from a stable, lasting brain. relationship term.

The work of Helen Fisher, an anthropologist at Rutgers University and one of the leading experts on the biological basis of love, has revealed that the “love” phase of the brain has a unique and well-defined time frame.

said Dr. Yasemin S. Ali, a medical writer, offers some signs that, according to science, someone is in love:

Your partner feels strange

When you fall in love, you begin to think your partner is weird, and this belief is paired with an inability to feel romantic love for another person, according to a 2017 article published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior, the This monogamy comes from on high. levels. Central dopamine, a chemical involved in attention and focus.

  • dream

People who are truly in love tend to focus on the positive qualities of their loved ones while ignoring their negative qualities. According to the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, relationships are often more successful when the partners are perfect.

Lovers also focus on trivial events and things that remind them of their beloved, thinking of precious moments and memories.

According to research published in the journal Motivation and Emotion in 2013, love prevents people from focusing on other information, and this focused attention is believed to be due to increased levels of central dopamine as well as also increases central norepinephrine. A chemical associated with increased Memory in the presence of new stimuli.

  • emotional instability

Love leads to emotional and physiological instability, the person cycles between feelings of euphoria, increased energy, insomnia, loss of appetite, tremors, rapid heartbeat and rapid breathing, as well as feelings of anxiety, panic and hopelessness. least regression.

When extreme, these mood swings parallel the behavior of drug addicts, according to a 2017 article in the Journal of Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology. In fact, being shown pictures of loved ones stimulates the same areas of the brain that are activated when a drug addict “hits.” According to Fisher, falling in love is a form of addiction, and when it is taken from a person, they may experience “withdrawal and relapse.”

  • Strengthening gravity

According to Fisher’s research, experiencing some type of anxiety with another person tends to intensify romantic attraction. Central dopamine may also be responsible for this interaction, as research shows that dopamine-producing neurons in the midbrain become more productive when reward is delayed.

  • inner thinking

According to Fisher, people in love report spending, on average, more than 85 percent of their waking hours thinking about a “love object,” and the obsessive way that intrusive thinking can result from low levels of emotionality. central serotonin, a brain condition previously associated with obsessive behavior.

A 2012 study published in the Journal of Physiological Psychology found that men and women who were in love had lower levels of serotonin than men who were not in love, while the opposite was true for women, while the men and women in love think about their own lives. 65 percent liked it. Since they wake up.

  • emotional addiction

People in love regularly show signs of emotional dependence in their relationships, such as possessiveness, jealousy, fear of rejection, and separation anxiety. For example, Fisher and colleagues looked at the brains of individuals who looked at pictures of their rejected loved one or loved ones. . they still fell in love after that person rejected them.

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) showed activation in several brain regions, including forebrain regions such as the cingulate gyrus, which have been shown to play a role in cocaine cravings. Regions involved in cocaine addiction in explaining obsessive behaviors associated with love rejection”.

  • planning for the future

Longing for emotional connection with a partner, looking for ways to be closer, and dreaming about a future together are also signs that someone is in love.

According to an article published by Harvard University, when serotonin levels begin to return to normal levels, the hormone oxytocin increases in the body, and this neurotransmitter is associated with more serious relationships.

“The desire to be with other people is like our search for some water and other things we need to survive,” says neuroscientist Lucy Brown of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York.

“Functional MRI studies show that the primitive neural systems underlying motivation, reward recognition, and enthusiasm are activated when they look at their loved one’s face and think loving thoughts , hungry or thirsty.”

“I think of romantic love as part of the human reproductive strategy. It helps us form marriage bonds, to survive. We were created to experience the magic of love and move towards the other.”

  • feelings of compassion

People who fall in love often feel strong empathy for their loved ones and see other people’s pain as their own and are willing to sacrifice everything for the other person, in Fisher’s study, scientists discovered important patterns in brain. Mirror neurons, which are associated with feelings of empathy, are more active in people who are in a long-term romantic relationship.

  • alignment of interests

Love can cause a person to rearrange their daily priorities to align with loved ones. While some people may try to be more like their loved ones, another study by Fisher found that people have opposite “brain chemistry,” at least. .

His research found that so-called testosterone-dominant personalities (highly analytical, competitive, and emotionally involved) were often attracted to their peers with personalities associated with high levels of estrogen and oxytocin, and these individuals tend to be “sympathetic, caring, nurturing.” confident, friendly and positive.” Analysis, search for meaning and identity.

  • positive effect

People who are in love often have a sexual desire for their loved one, but have a strong emotional connection, longing for sex with a desire for sexual exclusivity, and intense jealousy when a partner is suspected cheater. According to the Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, oxytocin is released during sexual activity. This hormone builds social bonds and improves trust.

  • Hold on to an emotional bond

Although the desire for sex is important to the people they love, the desire for emotional sex comes first, and the Archives of Sexual Behavior found that 64 percent of people in love (the same percentage for both sexes) do not agree with the phrase “Sex. .” This is the most important part of my relationship with my husband.”

  • feeling out of control

Fisher and colleagues found that people who talk about “love” usually say that their passions are involuntary and uncontrollable, and the late psychologist Dorothy Tennoff, in her 1979 book “Love and Vitality,” asked 400 men and women in Connecticut to respond to nearly 200 statements. Romantic love Many participants expressed feelings of powerlessness, saying that their attraction was irrational and involuntary.

loss of spark

Unfortunately, love does not always last, and psychologists say that an early orgasm lasts no more than three years.

According to Fisher’s blog, this is an impermanent state that can turn into a long-term relationship that psychologists call “attachment,” or end the relationship.

Source: Life Sciences

Source: Arabic RT

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