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How to create a roundup of the best photos taken with my cell phone in 2022

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Before the end of the year and the beginning 2023 yearDevice users with systems Android i iOS With the help of the platform feature, they can create a summary of their experience over the past few months Google photos which creates special collections pictures concrete.

Although this app doesn’t have a certain option for collection or a album as a summary of the year 2022 yearYes, you can identify the best photos using a feature that determines which smile will appear pictures to be made into a “film” at the end of the year.

however “smile function” which is available in the Google application selection pictures In which the joy of the people is expressed, there is a great limitation, and that is that it is entirely omitted photos that represent landscapes.

Landscape photos are not included in movies generated by the Google Photos app.  (pxhere)
Landscape photos are not included in movies generated by the Google Photos app. (pxhere)

How to use the smiley feature in Google Photos

To begin the process of creating “movies” with the best photos 2022 Smiley, one of the essential requirements that users must meet is to use the app Google As part of the device’s image storage system. Who has the software Android have the platform enabled on their device by default, while anyone using iPhones They will have to download the app application store.

Once the application is properly installed and logged in pictures In it, users will be able to create their own personalized “movies”. photos. They are generated automatically by clicking on the search option located as a tab in the menu bar at the bottom of the page. screen.

within content Within this menu, users will be able to find the “Creations” section and a saved creation option that will take users to a new window. application And that it will specifically focus on self-generating themed “movies” that can be used to collect selfies, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Valentine’s Day pictures, etc.

Create movies with photos stored in the Google Photos app.  (Genbeta)
Create movies with photos stored in the Google Photos app. (Genbeta)

In this window, users should select the button named “The year of smiles”, to which the application indicates that it will be able to perform its task much more accurately if the user has multiples photos in which a smile can be seen.

When you click the “Create Movie” button, screen will appear a Pop-up window This indicates to the customer that they have to wait a moment before they can see the final product of their collection pictures.

“Making a film can take some time. You get one message When it’s ready” is the text that will appear and after pressing the accept button, users will be able to continue using it device freely without discomfort, after processing information is done in the background.

Create movies with photos stored in the Google Photos app.  (Genbeta)
Create movies with photos stored in the Google Photos app. (Genbeta)

People using this feature within the app Google photosThey will receive a message indicating that the compilation video has been processed and is now playable platform. In addition, if the final result is not approved usernameIt can also include new ones photos On “Movie”, edit the duration of each in the list and add filters i music Additional background.

Editing function video It will also allow it to be reproduced in horizontal or vertical format according to the user’s taste.

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Source: Info Bae
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