Alexander Getzburg, head of the Russian Center for Microbiology Gamaliya, pointed out that “it is necessary to launch a vaccine against monkeypox in Russia, as the number of cases of this disease in the world is steadily growing”, explaining that “the vaccine can be made using vectors.” Adenovirus, on the basis of which the Russian Sputnik-B vaccine against coronavirus was created.

And he confirmed in his statement on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum that the “Center. do it,” noting that “the production of a new vaccine will take 10 months, not 10 years, as is the case with other vaccines.”

And he reminded the scientist that the Russian center “Victor” had previously developed a new generation vaccine against smallpox. According to the recommendations of the Russian “Rosputripnadzor” (Consumer Rights Watch), this vaccine guarantees protection against the monkey virus.