HomeWorldIsrael warns its citizens about Iranian attacks in a...

Israel warns its citizens about Iranian attacks in a few hours!

Israeli media reported Saturday that Israeli intelligence services were warning their citizens in Turkey of possible Iranian attacks in the next few hours.

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz quoted Israeli intelligence officials as saying that Israeli officials were warning their citizens in Turkey about Iranian attacks that could take place inside Turkey within hours.

The newspaper confirmed that Israeli intelligence had given various warnings to its citizens on Turkish soil, especially in Istanbul, not to leave because of Iran’s conspiracy to target them, and claimed that Iranian agents or cells were trying to reach the hotel. Istanbul where the Israelis live. .

Israeli officials were not convinced by the warning, but added that Mossad foreign intelligence had warned Israeli citizens and citizens in Turkish territory not to be tempted by people who might be locals to abduct them.

Israeli intelligence is concerned that Turkish police will not be able to thwart Iranian attacks on Israeli citizens, especially since there are more than 2,000 citizens traveling on Turkish soil.

Earlier, in response to the deaths of a number of Tehran officials in recent Israeli attacks, Israel had called on all its citizens to leave Turkey immediately, claiming an increased risk of retaliatory attacks by Iran.

Source: Lebanon Debate

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