The Hamas spokesman in charge of relations with the Arabs, Dr. Khalil al-Haya, indicated that the resistance is ready in case a real battle occurs, because the Sword of Quds will fight two or more, which surprises the Israelis. the scale of development compared to the first Quds Sword, and this position is provided for him.

In an interview with the Al-Akhbar newspaper on the sidelines of his visit to Lebanon, he considered that the main thing in the upcoming battle was to answer the following central question: where will this battle take place? We are preparing the ground for a battle in the center of education, not on the periphery. The fight must be where the occupation hurts, in Jerusalem, in the West Bank and in the 1948 territories. This does not mean the neutralization of Gaza. But it is important to take the battle to the very heart of the being, for the Israeli built his project to keep the battle from himself, and he did everything in his power with the help of the Authority, so that a situation of resistance would not arise in the West Bank.
He explained that today there is new data that allowed us to create a structure of resistance in the West Bank. The priority is to care for this newborn and create an appropriate cultural and intellectual environment for spreading the spirit of individual and collective resistance. what caused the fear that exists in this spirit that existed in the West Bank and in the 48th as a result of resistance operations, and people began to challenge the authority and occupation. This spirit must be built. From here came the acceptance of Operation Salfit by the Qassam Brigades. The goal is to feed this spirit and say that a resistance action is organized there. This building is a shared responsibility and we are all thinking about how to create an environment for resistance in the West Bank. Now this environment is in motion and since the beginning of the year more than 20 elements of the occupation, soldiers and settlers have been killed, and this is unprecedented in the last twenty years.

Regarding the attempt to form a new Arab-Israeli alliance, Al-Khaya indicated that these alliances are working to ensure Israel’s expansion in the region, so that it becomes a focal point to cut off the head of the axis of resistance outside of Palestine. that is, Iran, which every day has a new strength. An-Nawawi, at least on the surface, but inside, the goal is to cut off the supply lines for the resistance forces in the region. We feel a danger to our cause, because the main goal is to rule Israel and create a great Israel in a region whose influence extends from the Euphrates to the Nile. This alliance allows it to extend from the Euphrates to the Nile. If Israel succeeds in sewing an alliance in the Persian Gulf and the Arab region, it would achieve the slogan from the Euphrates to the Nile, which means that its influence there has become a reality.

He added that our reading of the situation suggests that a normalization that has gone from political and economic normalization to a mass integration of Israel into the region and even its emergence as the leader of the region must be resisted. We believe that he is facing several things:
– The basis that we must have inside Palestine is not to show this occupation in a state of stability at any time. And whenever there is a confrontation between us and him, this option recedes and the normalizers feel that the entity they want him to lead is not capable of defending himself.
Formation of the largest alliance in support of the resistance and against the alliance of normalization. We openly declare that there must be an alliance in the region that unites all who see Israel as a threat, all who see America as an enemy of the region, and all who see that the alliance created by America in the region is a danger to the inhabitants of the region . The targets are not only Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas, but anyone who believes that this trend harms the value system, wealth and interests of the Arab and Islamic region should be in the resistance alliance.

– Creation of a state of general reconciliation between the currents of the nation and in its arenas, especially between Islamic and nationalist currents. We are in great danger, we have great interests and needs, so we believe that we must expand the circle of reconciliation, and we are moving forward to take the necessary steps to achieve this.
Consequently, the right to form a regional framework that goes beyond the forces of direct resistance has become an obligation, therefore we demand the expansion of this alliance and the end of the state of quarrels, disagreements, rivalries and plurality of jurisprudence in the region to occupation. All of them must be in harmony with each other , and there must be a dialogue that will put an end to the rivalry between Islamists and nationalists that flared up in the last stage, and restore the state of consensus that existed between them until the “past decade”, which led to divisions between the constituents of the nation, and our enemies used them to their advantage. Today, the region is called upon to enter into inter-confessional, sectarian, ideological and other conflicts, to divert people to this.

With regard to relations with Syria, he indicated that internal and external discussions took place at the level of Hamas to resolve the discussion related to the restoration of relations with Syria. After the conclusion of the discussions, which included leaders, cadres and influencers, and even prisoners in prisons, it was decided to try to restore relations with Damascus.
Al-Haya made it clear that the resistance had decided not to prevent the march of the flags, which has been going on for fifty years, but rather to limit its effectiveness as much as possible and to the extent that the occupation loses the moral victory it wants to achieve. Last year, favorable circumstances developed after the attack on the Al-Aqsa Mosque. This year the situation in the West Bank is different, the factor of resistance is also different, and the sabotage and sabotage operations of the resistance are escalating this year. He added that the resistance in Gaza is at the highest level of readiness and readiness and is in an emergency situation pending a decision to start a live fight. But at the end of the march, we came to the conclusion that what had happened did not require a military war. Rather, the assessment was that we protected the Al-Aqsa Mosque from the infiltration of the march of flags and, by removing the element of sovereignty from the occupation in Jerusalem, so that he had to bring in 7,000 police officers to protect the march, despite the fact that, the Palestinian marches passed inside the holy city facing the flag marches. Also on that day, 14 executions were committed against the invaders in the West Bank. We assessed practically the whole of this scene as not calling for a response to resistance. While the occupation brought some moral benefits from what happened in the media march, it actually suffered numerous losses on which to build on in the future.

A Hamas official said we have plans to break the Gaza siege by bringing in aid ships from abroad. We previously had an unfinished experience due to the events leading up to the start of the Battle of the Jerusalem Sword. I remember days before Hezbollah Secretary General Syed Hassan Nasrallah announced in one of his speeches that an oil aid ship coming from Iran was Lebanese territory and under the protection of the resistance, we in the leadership were thinking of a way to break the siege of Gaza, and we thought about buying aid ships from abroad to take them to Gaza. Indeed, we have drawn up plans that indicate the possibility of friction with the occupiers in order to protect these ships. For us, this idea is part of the effort to lift the blockade, which is not limited to knocking on the doors of countries and pressure on the occupation, but is also one of the tools to confront the occupation and attract the attention of the whole world. to the fact that Gaza is besieged, and this is also one of the ways to intensify resistance.

He pointed out that there are still numerous interventions and an internal struggle over who will become the successor of Mahmoud Abbas. Many are ready, since Majid Faraj, Hussein al-Sheikh and Jibril Rajoub do not differ from Abu Mazen in the political ceiling, but it is external loyalty that determines this man’s successor, and so far it’s clear. The Americans and Israelis want Hussein al-Sheikh to come.

He pointed out that the resistance today is in a state of upsurge and strength, while the government is on the path of decline and weakness, as it does not have a political project, and the second Palestinian model, which former US President George W. Bush spoke of, fell when he said, that we will show you two Palestinian models, one in Ramallah and the other in Gaza, the first was given money and luxury, but it has no project or purpose, and today it is captured by security coordination. As for the second, although it is under siege, it has created popular dignity and unity, and the national factions appreciate the work of the government committee in Gaza, because we always ask for universal partnership in decision-making and action.