“Seven people were killed and more than 60 were injured as a result of a raid by Ukrainian troops on Novaya Kakhovka using American HIMARS missiles (MLRS),” Kirill Strimosov, deputy head of the military-civil administration of the Kherson region, said, expecting that the number of victims would increase. Hundreds of people are under rubble and locked in their homes.”

The city authorities said that “the shelling led to an explosion in the warehouses of mineral fertilizers. Also, a plant producing equipment for hydroelectric power plants was destroyed, in addition to damage to urban infrastructure, residential buildings, hospitals and kindergartens were damaged,” and stressed that “Ukrainian missiles do not pour Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station, but the North Crimean Canal is working.”

In turn, the head of the Humanitarian Aid Center, Natalia Zarya, pointed out that “a humanitarian aid warehouse with 35 tons of goods, including food for the local population, was also destroyed.”

For his part, Vladimir Leontiev, head of the Novokakhovka District Military-Civil Administration, believes that “the consequences of the Ukrainian strike on Novaya Kakhovka can be compared with an explosion in the port of Beirut, where ammonium nitrate exploded, and this is a disaster for the city,” and added: “I am sure that Those who prepared this barbarity, they knew what was in the warehouses (ammonium nitrate) and what they wanted, they achieved it. The same thing happened in Beirut a few years ago when a large number of people died. In general, we have the same thing, those who did this are war criminals, they must be judged and will be judged.”

On the other hand, Kirill Strimosov, deputy head of the military-civilian administration of the Kherson region, confirmed that Ukrainian missiles did not hit the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station, and the North Crimean Canal was working.