Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi vowed to punish those who offend Beijing inexorably, and US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan angered his country, Wang noted on the sidelines of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations meeting in Phnom Penh. “This is pure farce. The United States is violating China’s sovereignty under the guise of so-called democracy. Those who abuse China will inevitably be punished.”

In this context, the Chinese Foreign Ministry stated, “Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan is not about democracy, but rather about China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and US officials are trying to blame us for this escalation, and they should know Taiwan’s history well. “

And she stressed in her statement: “There is only one China in the world, and Taiwan is part of it, and there is one government representing China, and the United Nations has adopted a resolution supporting the principle of one China, and there is no room to overturn the decisions of international legitimacy.” ”, noting that “our relationship with Washington was based on the principle of one China.” And that Taiwan is part of our country.”

The Chinese Foreign Ministry believes that “the development of our relationship with Washington in recent years has not caused it to stop its practices in Taiwan,” adding that “the international community recognizes the one-China principle, and Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan is widely rejected.” .”