The US State Department said: “We support Israel’s right to self-defense and call on all parties to avoid further escalation” after Israeli raids began yesterday, which Palestinian factions responded with several rockets.

She noted: “We have contacted Israeli officials and others in the region who are working to avoid further escalation,” stating that “we have seen reports of civilian deaths and injuries in Gaza, including the tragic loss of child.”

Earlier in the day, the Israeli army expected to continue its aerial bombardment of the Gaza Strip for a week, noting that there were currently no ceasefire talks with Islamic Jihad.

An army spokesman told AFP that the Israeli army was “preparing to continue the operation for a week … and there are no ceasefire negotiations currently underway,” confirming Israeli media reports.

In turn, Palestinian resistance groups have responded to Israeli raids in the Gaza Strip with rocket-propelled grenades at communities in the Gaza shell, Tel Aviv, Tar Ben Gurion and other Israeli targets.