Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian pointed out that “the resistance has achieved great success as it was once again able to confront the huge Zionist military forces and within two days forced them to cease fire and accept its terms.”

He pointed out in a telephone conversation with the head of the Politburo of the Islamic Resistance Movement in Palestine, Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, that “what is remarkable about this battle was only part of the resistance in confronting the enemy, and this alone is a great achievement that showed the inability Zionists.” They are weaker than in the past.

In turn, Haniya stressed that he “appreciates the Islamic Republic of Iran’s support for Palestine”, stressing that “the Zionist enemy is trying to impose its equations on the Palestinian people and the resistance in the Gaza Strip, but has faced heroic resistance from the Palestinian people.” He added: “The recent victory of the resistance front opened a new page in the confrontation between the Palestinian resistance and the Zionist entity.”

That, and a ceasefire agreement between Israel and Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip, went into effect on Sunday evening after a round of escalation that lasted three days and left 43 Palestinians dead and dozens injured.