The People of Sudan initiative, led by Sufi cleric Al-Tayib Al-Jedd, head of the Sudanese Sovereign Council, Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, submitted a list of 35 candidates for the post of prime minister to select one of them.

Al-Burhan, in turn, formed a committee to review the names and choose one of the candidates who will take the post and end the constitutional vacuum that Sudan has been experiencing for almost a year after the Sudanese army toppled Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok and his government. in October last year. Recently, the People of the Sudan initiative held a roundtable conference that was boycotted by street forces along with the forces of freedom and change and national reconciliation, seeing it as “an attempt to restore the regime of deposed Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir.”

Vice President of the Sudanese Sovereignty Council Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo called on the various civilian forces to expedite “the achievement of urgent decisions on the formation of structures and institutions of governance”, stressing that “the military component is ready to hold consultative meetings with various parties on the start of a dialogue process to reach national agreement, which contributes to the completion of the path. Transitional and democratic transition leading to elections at the end of the transitional period.

Observers believe that “Al-Tayyib Al-Jeddah’s initiative may be a suitable alternative to the Sudanese army in light of the obstacle to the revolutionary forces and other civilian forces in reaching agreement on common grounds to start dialogue, especially after the army announced its withdrawal from the political process.” Especially after Al-Burhan formed a committee to select a prime minister from among the candidates presented to him by the People of the Sudan initiative.