“The shelling on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border has significantly decreased,” said the representative of the Armenian Defense Ministry Aram Torosyan, explaining that “it is too early to talk about the stabilization of the situation.”

He emphasized during a briefing for the media that “the situation in some sections of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border is still very tense”, stressing that “the Azerbaijani side continues to try to move towards the villages of Nerkin I, Ferin Shurza, Artanish and Sotek. “

Clashes erupted Tuesday evening on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, causing losses in the armies of the two countries, and both sides blamed each other for unleashing the escalation. As of this morning, the parties have agreed to a ceasefire following a conversation between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan. It is noteworthy that Armenia and Azerbaijan signed a ceasefire agreement in Nagorno-Karabakh under the auspices of Russia, which entered into force on November 10, 2020.