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“Partial Mobilization”. Russia will pay from 3,509 euros per month to each Russian called to fight

Each Russian called up to fight in Ukraine will receive a monthly quota of 205,000 rubles a month (about 3,509,000 euros), Alexander Avdonin, Russian military commissar for Yakutia, was quoted by Russia’s state news agency Ria as saying. The move comes after the “partial military mobilization” announced by Vladimir Putin on Tuesday, September 21, which established that another 300,000 citizens will be called to the battlefront in Ukraine. After all, this means that the Kremlin will spend a billion euros a month.

“All citizens summoned for mobilization are treated as contracted military personnel, they receive a monetary allowance in the same amount, from 205,000 rubles, depending on military rank and rankAvdonin explained.

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But the amount that each citizen receives could be higher: the same agency announced that Sergei Aksyonov, regional leader of Crimea (Ukrainian territory annexed by Russia in 2014), announced a single support of 200,000 rubles (about 3,320 euros) to each citizen mobilized. to fight. According to Ria, the different regions can thus decide to pay more than the base value assigned by the Kremlin to the citizens summoned to participate in the war.

The “partial military mobilization” was announced by Vladimir Putin on Monday, September 21, and on the same day an official decree came into force that establishes that only reserve soldiers with “previous military experience” will be called up – in the same In a briefing, Commissioner Avdonin announced that the first mobilized will be citizens who have served in the army for less than three years, with skills acquired for military service.

According to Sergei Shoigu, this universe includes about 300,000 soldiers. The Defense Minister also indicated that the objective of the “partial mobilization” is to control a 1,000-kilometer line in Ukraine, as well as the areas occupied by Russian forces (which the Kremlin calls “liberated”, to which the president refers Russian in his speech Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporyjia, Kherson).

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Students over the age of 18 and attending vocational training courses are excluded from “partial mobilization”, not only because they do not have previous military experience. In addition, and as the Observer had already indicated, there are three other criteria to exempt Russians from the new call: age (that is, reaching the age limit for military service); health (all declared unfit for military service); and inmates (those who will face custodial sentences are excluded from the list). On the eve of Putin’s announcement, the Duma, the Russian parliament, approved amendments to the Penal Code that increase the penalty for soldiers who desert or voluntarily surrender to the enemy.

Source: Observadora

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