HomeWorld"Treat us like animals"... A freed Ukrainian prisoner reveals...

“Treat us like animals”… A freed Ukrainian prisoner reveals the horrors of Russian captivity!

Mykhailo Dianov, who was freed from Russian custody by the Ukrainian Navy, revealed the living conditions of detainees in the hands of the Russian army.

In “Sky News” research with Dyanov, who was a prisoner of war for four months, the fighter who took part in the battles of Mariupol looked like a skeleton and had advanced significantly in terms of age.

Speaking to this British channel, Dianov said that he “believes, like other prisoners of war, that their end is near after Russian forces take over the Azovstal steel plant.”

“The only thing you think about after a month of hunger is food. You forget everything about your family and your country,” said Dianov, who was one of 215 people released recently in a prisoner swap deal with Russia. And you only think about eating.” .

Dianov, who lost 40 kilograms during his four months as a prisoner of war, said about the fight against hunger: “It was impossible to eat, they gave you 30 seconds for each meal, you had to eat in that short time.” Anything you could.”

He added: They deliberately made this news difficult and those who lost some of their teeth were not able to chew food quickly.

He continued: You should stop immediately after 30 seconds, they treated us like animals, the meals were poor and the eating process is humiliating.

Dyanov described the Oleniyuka prison in Donetsk, where he was held, as a “concentration camp,” adding that “prisoners of war held there are deliberately starved.”

Dyanov revealed details of torture, solitary confinement and humiliation of Ukrainian prisoners as they were beaten with sticks and given electric shocks and Russian soldiers put needles under their fingernails.

Dianov also said that the prison was intended to house 150 people, but “there are more than 800 prisoners in it.”

He pointed out that now he has difficulty walking due to leg muscle damage.

As for how his injuries were treated in prison, Dianov noted that he underwent an operation without anesthesia, in which very primitive tools were used.

At the end of his speech, Dianov told Sky News: They blindfolded me and took us from the bus to the plane, and after the end of the flight, I realized that I was back in Ukraine. 20 kg to fix a broken arm that was wrongly fixed, but my mental treatment will take a long time.

Source: Lebanon Debate

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