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President of Sao Tome calls for peace and union of African countries

“We really need unity, perhaps this is one of the big problems we have among African countries,” declared the president of Sao Tome on the occasion of Africa Day.

The president of Sao Tome called this Thursday for unity and peace among African countries, regretting that the continent still has armed conflicts that lead to the degradation of the conditions of the population.

“Call for peace for all and for unity. We really need unity, maybe this is one of the big problems we have among African countries. We could not, neither at the sub-regional, regional nor continental level, have a voice”, said Carlos Vila Nova, on the occasion of Africa Day, which is celebrated this Thursday.

Carlos Vila Nova considered that Africa Day should serve to reflect and review the less good things that have been done and glimpse the future pointing to the “real independence” of the countries of the continent, “what is known as a source of instability”. , neighborhood problems between countries, “maritime piracy, because many of the countries of the continent or the vast majority are bathed by sea”and “climate change”.

“I don’t think all the problems are the same, but most of them are common, and it is an opportunity for each of the countries to look at this aspect and then see to what extent we can share and bring our experiences to others. , and together we solve the problems”, said Carlos Vila Nova.

The head of state of Sao Tome said that he is concerned that in the 21st century it still exists “armed conflicts, displacement of populations, degradation of living conditions” in Africa, when countries should be concerned “with combating poverty, better understanding and acting on climate change”.

In this sense, he defended that it is necessary to “look forward and overcome these issues”, “resolve conflicts and envision the future, considering that climate change is becoming increasingly important”, and it must be “the common denominator” to solve other problems. issues.

Sao Tome and Principe last week assumed the chairmanship of the United Nations Standing Advisory Committee on Security in Central Africa (UNSAC) for a period of six months.

Source: Observadora

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