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Order of Lawyers of Angola advances with the process of impeachment of the President of the Supreme

Joel Leonardo has been accused of alleged involvement in acts of corruption, and the Angolan Bar Association will initiate proceedings to remove the President of the Supreme Court.

The Angolan Bar Association (OAA) will initiate the “competent judicial procedure” to remove from office the president of the Supreme Federal Court and the Superior Council of the Magistracy, Joel Leonardo.

The decision was made at the last extraordinary general assembly of the OAA, held this Saturday in Huambo, which had as its only item on the agenda the balance of the current state of justice and the role of the legal profession.

According to an OAA source contacted by Lusa, the dismissal process of Joel Leonardo will be subject to an unspecified precautionary measure. Joel Leonardo has been accused for months of allegedly being involved in acts of corruptionnepotism, mishandling of the body and others, events that have already led the Attorney General’s Office to take steps at the headquarters of the Supreme Court of Justice and the Superior Council of the Judiciary.

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The OAA also urged the President of the Republic, as the nation’s highest magistrate, invite Joel Leonardo to present his resignation letter, without prejudice to the presumption of innocencewhile the publicly announced investigation processes are being carried out, according to the final statement to which Lusa had access.

The OAA also decided to hold a national meeting to analyze the state of the administration of justice in Angola.

Source: Observadora

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