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The UN received only a quarter of the funds to respond to the crisis in Haiti

The United Nations launched an appeal in late February to raise $674 million to protect millions of Haitians affected by gang violence and food insecurity.

The United Nations has so far received only a quarter of the funding needed for its humanitarian response plan to the Haiti crisis, the secretary-general said on Tuesday.

The UN launched an appeal in late February for $674 million (around 628 million euros) to protect millions of Haitians affected by gang violence and food insecurity, a situation that is spiralling out of control.

However, so far the organisation has only received 168 million dollars (about 156 million euros).

Given the seriousness of the situation in that country, In recent days, the first contingent of the multinational mission led by Kenya has been sent.although with a delay of months.

The United States did not provide military personnel to this operation, officially called the Multinational Security Support Mission, but The Biden administration has pledged to bolster it with up to $300 million worth of equipment. (279 million euros) and allocate another 33 million dollars (almost 31 million euros) to humanitarian aid.

In addition to the serious context of insecurity, UN Secretary General António Guterres said on Tuesday that he was “concerned” about the impact that Hurricane Beryl could have, especially in the southern part of the island, in the next 24 hours.

“It looks like this is just the beginning of a busy Atlantic hurricane season (…) Haiti could be affected by heavy rains, winds and landslides. “Our humanitarian agencies are already in contact with local entities,” said Stéphane Dujarric, spokesman for the Secretary-General of the United Nations, at a press conference held today.

Dujarric also said that the most immediate assistance will consist of locally produced hot meals and the distribution of high-energy biscuits.

“The hurricane season, which began on June 1 and will continue until the end of November, could worsen the living conditions of millions of Haitians already caught in a complex humanitarian crisis,” Dujarric said.

In the last few hours, UNICEF has recorded a 60% increase in the number of children displaced by violence since March. reaching a total of 300,000 children.

In addition, at least 20 people were killed on Monday by members of the gang coalition. Live set (Living Together), which attacked the police station in the commune of Gressier, south of the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince, in an act carried out despite the presence of Kenyan troops in the country.

Haiti has been without a president since a group of armed men invaded his official residence to assassinate him in early July 2021.

Shortly after, Ariel Henry ascended to the post of prime minister amid criticism and after several years of instability.

He resigned in March this year following a wave of violence that shook the Caribbean country.

Since then, a Haitian Presidential Transition Council has been created, headed by the former president of the Haitian Senate between 1995 and 2000, Edgard Leblanc.

The Council elected former Prime Minister Garry Conille (2011-2012) as the new head of the transitional government. The aim is to temporarily fill the political vacuum in a phase that should end with elections in 2026.a decade after the last elections.

Source: Observadora

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