Santander Totta’s profit rose 196.5% in the first half, compared to the same period in 2021, to 241.3 million euros, the financial institution announced this Thursday.
In the first half of last year, net profit had reached 81.4 million euros.
Total customer loans reached 43,600 million euros, an increase of 0.5% year-on-year”,highlighting the growth of 6.8% in mortgage loans“.
Customer funds stand at 47,800 million euros, 4.9% more”,Dynamics resulting from a 6.9% growth in depositswhile off-balance sheet funds fell by 4.4%, influenced by greater volatility in the financial markets”, adds Santander Totta.
The interest margin reached 370.3 million euros, 3.4% less than the previous year, while net commissions increased by 17.9% to 239.5 million euros.
The banking product, which includes charges such as resolution funds and deposit guarantee funds, fell by 14.5% to 612.9 million euros, in the analyzed period.
During the presentation of results that is taking place in Lisbon, the executive president, Pedro Castro e Almeida, classified the numbers for the first semester as “very good“.
Source: Observadora