HomeEconomyPortuguese associations unite and create the Federation of Cryptoeconomics...

Portuguese associations unite and create the Federation of Cryptoeconomics Associations

The Portuguese Blockchain Alliance, the Portuguese Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Association (APBC), and the New Economy Institute have joined forces to create the Federation of Crypto-Economy Associations (FACE) to promote “national stability in the sector,” they announced in a statement.

The three entities, which are the main national associations in this segment, aim to “promote national stability in the Cryptoeconomy sector, through support in legislative action and the clarification of the Portuguese population on ‘blockchain’ technologies. as a whole,” he said in the same note.

the associations thus joined “a collaborative and transversal effort at a crucial moment and of growing regulatory momentum in the sectorin particular in Portugal”, they underlined, highlighting that this new federation “intends to ensure that any legislative package considered by the current Government on issues that directly or indirectly affect the Cryptoeconomy can count on the contribution of representatives of the sector”.

In addition, the initiative “also seeks to ensure that Portugal maintains a fiscally competitive regime, combating the current climate of regulatory uncertainty, and supporting the Government to define the skeleton of what could be legislation anticipating the entry into force of the Regulation on Cryptoactive Markets. .” (MiCA), in a similar way to what is being done in Member States such as Spain and Germany”.

According to the statement, “the formalization of the Federation stems from a set of events that came to demonstrate and validate the need for a joint approach with the Government in favor of the Crypto Economy industry.”

Thus, they highlighted, “in April 2022 the first closest contact between the three associations took place, at a dinner that brought together some of the main entrepreneurs of the Cryptoeconomy in Portugal”, and “in a second meeting, in May 2022 , the three associations have met again to share the possibilities of organizing joint initiatives and to prepare a joint meeting with the Secretary of State for Digitization and Administrative Modernization, with the aim of objective of introducing and sharing perspectives on the sector”.

After the meeting, “the associations validated their perspectives and intention to advance in the creation of a joint front,” according to the statement.

“We believe that it made sense at this time to present a united front that represents the sector with the different institutional and governmental bodies, thus demonstrating the degree of maturity, legal and legislative qualification and economic relevance of the sector,” said Rui Serapicos, president of Aliança Portuguesa. of blockchain. , cited in the same note.

For his part, Nuno Lima da Luz, president of APBC believes that “the opportunity that Portugal has to establish itself as the cryptographic ‘hub’ that has been presented materializes with the clear outline of an attractive fiscal and regulatory regime associated with crypto assets. ”.

Henrique Corrêa da Silva, president of the New Economy Institute, argued that “this industry represents a vast sector, and that, due to its nature and current development cycle, it needs and will benefit from an aligned and stronger representation, now and in the future”, highlighting that it is time for the sector to mobilize “all efforts”.

“Together with the work and support in the legislative action with the Portuguese Government, and the discussion that brings together political leaders, legislators and regulators, the Federation of Cryptoeconomics Associations will advance with educational initiatives that will promote the approximation of the Portuguese population to the ‘blockchain. ‘ as a whole, promoting a more complete knowledge of the sector”, conclude the three entities, in the statement.

Source: Observadora

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