HomeEconomyThe intervention of the Court of Auditors last year...

The intervention of the Court of Auditors last year saved 389 million euros in future expenses

The intervention of the Court of Auditors (TdC), within the framework of its previous inspection activity, last year, caused an expense of 389 million euros not to be incurred, the entity revealed.

In its 2023 activities and accounts report, the TdC said that it had controlled 6,183 million euros, in this context, having filed 3,024 processes.

The entity controlled 2,031 cases and decided to deny visas in 27.

“The intervention of the Court meant that, after the cancellations requested by the contracting authorities and the reduction of contract expenses subjected to prior inspection, expenses of 389 million euros associated with these processes would not have been incurred,” he highlighted.

There were also 1,323 withdrawals, “processes returned because they were not subject to prior inspection and processes carried over to the following year,” the TdC said.

According to the Court, “in relation to the 3,354 processes subject to analysis In the year (which includes 330 transits), not all were subject to inspection”, that is, “because they were canceled (66) or returned by the Court because they were not subject to a visa (821)”.

The TdC recalled that, before making the final decision, it can “request clarifications or additional elements, having returned 3,197 processes for this purpose.”

According to the institution, these requests allowed, “in a significant number of cases, to overcome the illegalities and irregularities detected, even reaching, in some situations, a reduction in the costs assumed by the respective entities (19 million euros). ”.

Last year, the Court denied visas to 27 cases (1.3%), for a total amount of 80.2 million euros, he stated.

The illegalities detected refer to financing of expenses, debt, choice of procedures, procedural rules, processing of procedures and contracts.

On the other hand, 2,004 processes were addressed, of which “43.4% were addressed with recommendations corresponding to a financial volume of 3,477 million euros,” he indicated.

The TdC also acts in concomitant and successive control, issuing opinions, such as on the General State Account, carrying out audits and checking accounts.

In this context, which covers, among other things, the execution of additional works, “the global value of additional contracts amounted to 222 million euros, an increase of 98.8% compared to the previous year,” he indicated.

Source: Observadora

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