HomeHealth & FitnessSide effects of statins!

Side effects of statins!

The Mayo Clinic says pravastatin is used with a proper diet to lower cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. In addition to the desired side effects, it can cause some unwanted side effects.

He added that you should see a doctor right away if you experience pain in your arm, back, or jaw. This is also true if you have joint pain, muscle stiffness, muscle aches, cramps, itching, or weakness.

Common side effects can also occur during the day and at night. These symptoms include headache, dizziness, nausea, muscle aches, and feeling tired or unusual weakness.

Others have also reported digestive problems. This may include constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, or gas. Two other common side effects are trouble sleeping and low platelet count. Rare side effects include skin problems, such as acne or a red, itchy rash.

The Mayo Clinic added that statins can cause muscle inflammation and muscle damage.

The NHS says rare side effects of statins include loss of sensation or tingling at nerve endings in the hands and feet, called peripheral neuropathy.

“Talk to your doctor if you have unexplained muscle pain or weakness, for example, pain not caused by physical labor,” he suggests.

The NHS points to a review of scientific studies on the effectiveness of statins that found that one in 50 people who take the drug in five years will avoid a serious event, such as a heart attack or stroke. , as a result.

In general, you should continue to take statins for life because if you stop taking them, your cholesterol will return to high levels within a few weeks.

The British Heart Foundation (BHF) says: “If you are taking simvastatin or atorvastatin, avoid grapefruit as it can increase the risk of side effects.”

BHF explains: “Your doctor or cardiologist will find the right statin for you, based on your medical history and the cholesterol level he or she wants to target you. And if you are sensitive to one statin, you may not be allergic to another. You should have a blood test after any switch to a statin to see how effective the new cholesterol -lowering drug is.

Source: express

Source: Arabic RT

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