HomeOpinionAll blue-eyed people have a common ancestor

All blue-eyed people have a common ancestor

Researchers around the world continue to unravel the mysteries of human evolution. One of the most fascinating discoveries of recent years concerns the origin of blue eyes in humans. According to the latest data, all modern carriers of blue eyes have a common ancestor who lived approximately 6-10 thousand years ago.

Genetic analysis and mutations

Blue eyes are the result of a specific genetic mutation in the HERC2 gene. This mutation reduces the activity of another gene, OCA2, which is responsible for the production of melanin in the iris of the eye. Less melanin results in lighter eye color. Studies have shown that all people with blue eyes have the same mutation; This points to a common ancestor.

Geographic distribution and influence of climate

The geographical distribution of blue eyes is quite limited and is found mostly among the population of Northern and Eastern Europe. Scientists suggest that blue eyes may have become more common through natural selection, due to adaptation to low levels of ultraviolet radiation conditions, especially in northern latitudes.

Anthropological finds

Anthropologists are finding evidence of this mutation in ancient human remains. For example, the remains of a man found in Spain date back about 7,000 years and contain genetic traces of blue eyes. This discovery supports the hypothesis that the mutation arose in a limited group of people and spread slowly through population mixing.

Conclusions and perspectives

These discoveries open new perspectives in the study of human genetic diversity and evolutionary history. Understanding the origins of traits such as eye color helps scientists reconstruct the past and understand how changes in DNA can affect how people look and adapt. Thus, studying the ancestors of blue-eyed people not only satisfies our curiosity, but also contributes significantly to the body of scientific knowledge about human evolution and genetics. Source

Source: Port Altele

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