HomePoliticsPCP demands government measures in relation to obstetric gynecology...

PCP demands government measures in relation to obstetric gynecology services

The PCP demanded this Sunday that the Government act urgently to avoid new limitations in the operation of hospital gynecology and obstetrics services and asked what measures the Ministry of Health will take.

In a video broadcast by the PCP, the communist deputy João Dias maintains that “the Government must urgently take the necessary measures” to address “this situation of inability to guarantee service scales due to lack of doctors.”

In a question addressed to the Ministry of Health, dated Sunday, the PCP asks “what measures will the Government take so that situations like this weekend, in which several hospitals of the Regional Health Administration of Lisbon do not return to occur”. do not repeat themselves.” and Vale do Tejo (ARSLVT) and other regions, were with the obstetrics/gynecology services behind closed doors”.

The deputies João Dias and Paula Santos, parliamentary leader of the PCP, who signed this question, also want to know if “the Government is aware of other hospital units that are in the same situation of rupture, also risking the closure of obstetric services / gynecology”. ” If so, which is it”.

The text highlights the recent limitations in the gynecology and obstetrics emergency services at the Beatriz Ângelo Hospital, in Loures, at the Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Ocidental, at the Centro Hospitalar de Setúbal, at the Centro Hospitalar Barreiro-Montijo, at the Hospital García de Orta, in Almada, and also in the Braga Hospital and the Hospital das Caldas da Rainha.

João Dias considers that the closure this weekend of several gynecology and obstetrics hospital services is not surprising, taking into account the “lack of health professionals”, which affects the scales, a situation that he claims to be generalized: “It is transversal to throughout the country and is developed in several areas of specialization”.

According to the deputy, “Setúbal should have 22 specialists in gynecology and obstetrics, there are 10. In São Francisco Xavier there are 14 doctors when there should be 22. In Guarda there should be 10 doctors and there are 8. In Leiria there should be 24 doctors and the service has 18″.

“With this shortage, the hospital units resort to hiring external doctors contracted to service providers or insistently resort to overtime,” adds the deputy.

The PCP asks for measures that “ensure professionals in the National Health Service (SNS) avoiding their exit to the private sector or abroad” and maintains that this “can only be achieved with attractive careers, salary revaluation, exclusive dedication, with more equipment”. and investment in the SNS”.

In the question addressed to the Ministry of Health, the communists refer that in a recent dispatch to “occupy 202 positions in the medical career and in the special medicine career, in the areas of hospitals, general and family medicine and public health, only 9 vacancies are mentioned in the competition”, in the case of gynecology/obstetrics and 20 vacancies referred to as entitled to incentives for the depressed area, associated with this specialty, values ​​well below what would be necessary”.

Source: Observadora

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