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From Grassley and Banks to Millie: Respect Your Word and Stop Avoiding Questions About Woodward Book Claims

Joyful. called. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) asked Chief of Staff, General Mark Milley, to keep his word and avoid questions about the allegations in the books of Bob Woodward and Robert Costa. Risk He said that following the riot in the Capitol on January 6, 2021, he violated the law and usurped President Donald Trump’s authority as commander-in-chief.

Grassley and Banks appeared on the floors of the Senate and House of Representatives, respectively, on Thursday to remind Millie that she told members of Congress that she would review the book’s claims and get back to them to say if it was true. Despite repeated requests, he still does not say whether it is true.

“Milli allegedly took the hand of the military, that is, the controls that belonged only to the president. By Risk, [he] Grassley summoned the military command center’s senior operations officers to his office,” said Grassley.

He continued:

These rude words and actions, if true, hit the very heart of our democracy – civilian military control. They revert this guiding principle and despise the commander-in-chief from the country’s highest general. They are dangerous and are in violation of US Military Code 10 Act 888.

Grassley said Milley assured him in a letter that his actions were “higher and higher” and promised to read the book and report back to Congress. He said he wanted a direct response, joining Senators Rand Paul (R-KY) and Marsha Blackburn (R-TN). “Nine months later he’s still running under the same lame excuse,” Grassley said.

Grassley said he started sending handwritten notes to Millie when no one showed up. He allegedly received a ten-page letter from Millie in which his questions were ignored. He later added that an email indicated that the letter did not ask a direct question. “I think legitimately, ‘Is this Pentagon bullshit or what is it?’ I can ask,” he said.

After my third note, General Milley replied with both old smoke and glasswork, “I haven’t read the book.” Years of management taught me this lesson. Evidence answers often give clues to the truth,” he said before adding:

I think General Milli knows better. He knows the score. If these books and all the media reports about them contain extreme distortions, we’ve been hearing about it for a long time. Writers would score it and correct the grade. However, so far, there is no glance from the general. His silence speaks volumes. Something is not good. Like a Pentagon watchdog, when I smell guilt, I hold my teeth and don’t let go.

Congressman Jim Banks, a member of the House Armed Forces Committee, and I raised the stakes on April 11 with 12 painful questions. We gave General Milli a second piece of apple to disperse the wind. Two and a half months later, we still have not received a response. General Milley, you said you would answer Senator Blackburn’s question. Respect your word, then questions will be honest with American citizens. We are all ears.

Banks said in a statement:

Our constitution is clear: the President is the commander-in-chief. Disabling the president and breaking the chain of command is a serious offense.

According to Bob Woodward RiskGeneral Mark Milley has instructed senior military officials NOT to obey the President’s orders unless first approved by General Milley. When I asked General Milli about this Risk At a hearing in the Armed Forces, he said he didn’t read. Comfortable. That’s why Senator Chuck Grassley and I sent a letter to General Milley asking him to confirm or deny the book’s claims.

He didn’t answer. I want an explanation from General Milley. General Milley was accused of secretly usurping the president’s military power. This is the most serious crime. If he is innocent, he must declare it.

By RiskMilley worried that Trump might be “crazy” and called a secret meeting with top military officials on January 8. At this meeting, Millie instructed the high-ranking military in charge of the National Military Command Center not to take orders from anyone unless they were involved.

“Whatever else is said, you are following the procedure. you do the operation. And I am part of that process,” Millie wrote to them, Woodward and Costa. “Millie thought it was an oath.”

The book also revealed that Millie made two back-channel phone calls with the Chinese commander-in-chief to reassure him that the United States would not attack, and even promised to warn him if he attacked. According to a submitted entry Washington PostFour days before the 2020 presidential election, Milley assured his Chinese counterpart, General Li Zuocheng of the People’s Liberation Army, that the United States would not attack.

“General Lee, I can assure you the American government is stable and everything will be fine,” Milley said. “We will not attack you or carry out any kinetic operations against you.”

Milley even promised to warn Lee in case of an attack on the United States. “General Lee, we’ve known each other for five years. If we attack, I’ll call you early. It won’t be a surprise,” he said of the book.

On her second call on January 8, 2021, Millie promised Lee: “We are 100% stable. Everything is fine. But sometimes democracy can be careless.” According to the book, Millie didn’t tell Trump about the meeting.

Also, according to the book, Millie said to her, “I agree with you all,” after Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi called him and asked him to secure the country’s nuclear weapons and described Trump as “crazy.”

Woodward and Costa wrote that after speaking with Pelosi, Millie “decided she had to act” and ordered the heads of the military services and the then CIA director to “always” keep an eye on everything.

“National pointed to the mobilization of American national security personnel without the knowledge of the Americans or the rest of the world,” they wrote.

“Some may argue that Milley overstepped his authority and assumed exclusive power,” they wrote, but the president said he viewed his actions as a well-intentioned measure to ensure that there was no historical break in the international order or an accidental war with China. “Or otherwise, and without the use of nuclear weapons,” Milley “is not entirely sure the military can control or trust Trump.”

Milley also claimed that Trump signed a military order to withdraw all troops from Afghanistan on January 15, 2021, considering it the “end” around the president’s military advisers.

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Source: Breitbart

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