HomePoliticsIberian Summit in Viana do Castelo was a "deafening...

Iberian Summit in Viana do Castelo was a “deafening silence” for the region, says PSD

The president of the PSD said this Wednesday that “inexplicablyThe Iberian Summit that took place last week in Viana do Castelo maintained a “deafening silence” on the reclassification of the road that connects the Lima Valley with Galicia.

“Inexplicably, the Iberian Summit that took place here a few days ago kept a deafening silence on this issue,” said Luís Montenegro, who was speaking to journalists in Ponte da Barca, on the third day of the Feel Portugal initiative in the region.

That municipality and the neighboring municipality of Arcos de Valdevez, in the district of Viana do Castelo, have been claiming for years that “do justice” to the population of the municipalities of Vale do Lima, who for years have been asking for the reclassification of the road that joins Complementary Route 28 (IC28) with the limit of Magdalena and Ourense, in Galicia.

The improvement of the Portuguese section of that road, about 30 kilometers, is estimated at 15 million euros and has been claimed for more than a decade. Built in the 1980s, and where more than four thousand vehicles pass every day, the road is very winding and dangerous.

In August, the mayors of four municipalities of the Vale do Lima, the Intermunicipal Community (CIM) of Alto Minho and 14 mayors of Galicia, as well as the representative of the province of Ourense, signed a letter to demand that the governments carry out this work “shortly, within the scope of the Recovery and Resilience Plan or through financing instruments within the framework of cross-border cooperation”.

The document was sent to the President of the Government of Portugal, António Costa, and the President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez.

Luís Montenegro said that given that the 33rd Iberian Summit took place in the capital of Alto Minho “it was natural that it could have also served for the local community to show the political support of the Portuguese and Spanish governments. achieving these border connection goals????????

For the Social Democratic leader, this link “can be a development factor for the two countries, in their reciprocal exchanges, from a commercial point of view, but also in terms of increased competitiveness and proximity to European markets.”

He defended that the reclassification of that road will allow “access to road and rail corridors that will leverage the region’s economy.”

Montenegro adiantou that to requalificação daque la via integrates, among others, the plan of investments of the Intermunicipal Community (CIM) of Alto Minho, considering that the cost of the work is “razoável face à dimensão two investments in mobility infrastructures that are planned for the country , in the next years”.

The PSD president also indicated the great need to promote better access between Valença, Monção and Melgaço.

The PSD leader began the day in Monção, on the Lodeira quay, next to the International Bridge that connects Monção with Salvaterra do Miño, in Galicia, to learn about tourism promotion projects on the Miño River.

Montenegro also visited the center of Melgaço and a farm that produces Alvarinho wine, in the parish of Alvaredo.

In Valença, he had lunch with Misericordia suppliers from the region, having “verified that special attention must be paid both to the tax system and to the updating of agreements and contracts with the social institutions that they are drowning a lot financially????????

“With the increase in energy and gas costs and also with the impact of other measures that are positive for people, but that have implications for the functioning of institutions, such as the increase in the minimum wage,” he said.

The program ends in Arcos de Valdevez with a dinner with the presidents of the Parish Council of the Viana do Castelo district.

Source: Observadora

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