HomePoliticsMontenegro considers "extremely normal" that PR asks Costa for...

Montenegro considers “extremely normal” that PR asks Costa for explanations about Miguel Alves

The president of the PSD said Thursday that it was “extremely normal” for the president of the Republic to ask the prime minister for explanations about Costa’s deputy secretary of state, who is being investigated for a decision made when he was mayor in Caminha.

If the President of the Republic is going to do this, naturally, register. If you ask me if I think it’s normal, I think it’s very normal. It is up to the President of the Republic to evaluate the conditions in which the members of the Government carry out their duties”, said Luís Montenegro.

The newspaper Expresso said this Thursday that the President of the Republic wants to take advantage of the weekly meeting with the Prime Minister scheduled for 6:00 p.m. to question António Costa about the controversy surrounding the contract for the construction of the multipurpose pavilion that the Deputy Secretary of State to the Prime Minister, Miguel Alves, celebrated, in 2020, as mayor of Caminha and, which is being investigated by the Public Ministry.

Speaking to journalists at the West Sea shipyards, in Viana do Castelo, on the last day of the “Feel Portugal” initiative in that district, Luís Montenegro recalled that “despite the appointment proposals coming from the President of the Government, who is responsible for appointing and ultimately exonerating the members of the Government is the President of the Republic”.

Montenegrin said that PSD has been asking for “explanations for a long time”reinforcing that on Monday a request was presented to the Assembly of the Republic for the hearing of Miguel Alves, in parliament.

“I think the only explanations he has given so far have been insufficient, they were tinged, above all, with a spirit of victimization that does not help to clarify,” said Montenegro.

Asked about the controversy surrounding Minister Mariana Vieira da Silva’s advisor, Montenegro said that he did not have “much knowledge about the case”, beyond what was made public through the press.

It seems a bit strange, but I don’t know the situation in detail. But it seems a little strange that a recent graduate rides, from the point of view of exercising public functions, to a high position with at least apparently insufficient experience, ”he said.

The PSD leader refused to “make value judgments about situations that he does not know, “in detail”.

“I am not immune to the news, but I will have to understand. Also, in this aspect, I think that the parliament will not fail to carry out this scrutiny. About what were the foundations that presided over this appointment and the setting of the respective remuneration and organic position within the structure of the Government.

The Deputy Secretary of State of the Prime Minister, Miguel Alves, is being investigated by the Public Ministry for a promise contract he signed when he was mayor of Caminha.

At stake is the construction of a Cross-Border Exhibition Center in Caminha, in the district of Viana do Castelo, a work that has not yet started after the signing of the promise contract between the promoter and the municipality in 2020.

Público reported, in the October 26 edition, that the municipality of Caminha had made a “doubtful advance” of 300,000 euros for the project in question, authorized by the now Deputy Secretary of State of the President of the Government, when he headed that municipality.

In parliament, PSD and Chega have already submitted requests for an urgent audience with the ruler.

On October 31, in statements to journalists, the Prime Minister said that he maintained political confidence in Miguel Alves.

In an interview with Jornal de Notícias and TSF, broadcast on Sunday, Miguel Alves said that he initially kept silent because he addressed the first explanations to the Attorney General’s Office (PGR) and was equally sure of the legality of the process.

Source: Observadora

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