HomeTechnologyChina will soon launch a new aircraft carrier

China will soon launch a new aircraft carrier

The South China Morning Post reported that China will bring its third aircraft carrier next Friday.

A military source told the newspaper, “Preparations for the landing of the ship in question are underway at Jiangnan Shipyard in Shanghai, China, and on May 27, the China Maritime Security Bureau made a statement that they will place a third ship and the evacuated fourth place in said place.

China began development of the ship in the Jiangnan Basin in 2017, and was originally expected to launch in April, which coincided with the 73rd anniversary of the Navy’s establishment in the country’s military, but plans were somewhat delayed. Due to the conditions imposed by the spread of the Corona pandemic in Shanghai. “.

According to available information, the new ship is 320 meters long and approximately 80 meters wide, and is distinguished from two existing Chinese aircraft carriers because its deck is not equipped with conventional platforms for lifting aircraft, but has three electromagnetic. platforms for this purpose, two on the bow, the third on the left side of the ship. There are two elevators to transport the deck and aircraft from their hangars to the ship’s deck.

It is assumed that after the ship is launched, the installation and testing of the equipment will take more than a year to complete, after which it must be ready for service in the Chinese Navy.

Source: Russian weapons

Source: Arabic RT

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