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Support line to qualify the offer with 300 million euros for tourism projects

The support line for the 2024 offer, created by Turismo de Portugal and credit institutions, has a total value of 300 million euros, announced the Ministry of Economy.

This medium and long-term financing line, aimed at micro, small, medium and large tourism companies, covers projects that qualify for the offer and that “demonstrate compliance with environmental and social sustainability requirements,” according to information from the Ministry of Economy.

A total amount of 300 million euros is at stake. The validity of this line extends up to the limit of the allocation. The funds come from Turismo de Portugal’s own income and from the liquidity of participating credit institutions.

Among the main changes in this line for 2024 is the increase in ceiling maximum per operation by Turismo de Portugal, from 1.5 million euros to three million euros, as well as the reinforcement of environmental and social responsibility measures.

Added to this is the increase in the value of the performance bonus to a maximum of 35% for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) or 15% (non-SMEs) of the value of the Portuguese Tourism loan.

Regarding the financing conditions, the maximum is 80% of the eligible investment up to a limit of three million euros.

The participating credit institutions are Abanca, BPI, Bankinter, Caixa Geral de Depósitos, BCP, Crédito Agrícola, Caixa Agrícola de Torres Vedras, EuroBic, Montepio, Novo Banco, Novo Banco dos Açores and Santander.

The support line for qualifying the 2021 offer recorded 264 projects, 415 million euros of investment and 212 million euros of financing.

Source: Observadora

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