HomeTechnologyPisca Seguros: travel relaxed this summer

Pisca Seguros: travel relaxed this summer

Picture this scenario: the family is preparing for a weekend getaway, ahead of the holidays. Between kids, suitcases and checklists, it’s a given that the car is also prepared for the trip. The model is no longer new, it’s out of warranty and the last thing the family wants is to have headaches resulting from a breakdown.

Meanwhile, the family discovers that they do not have to queue at the counter of an insurance company, because Pisca Seguros was born, www.piscapisca.pt/seguros. The insurance platform on the pintapisca.pt website, simple and intuitive, where, in complete safety, you can insure your car against damage to third parties and to yourself, as well as insure against breakdowns, including towing and transport of occupants and, thus, to avoid leaving the motorcycle unprotected, disorganizes everything.

Weekends and holidays are easier, because all your worries are with Pisca Seguros and the icing on the cake is the amount you have to pay to take out this insurance: unbeatable compared to the competition and affordable for any budget.

And the procedures are very simple. The platform explains and everything is done from your cell phone. Simply film the entire exterior of the vehicle and/or motorcycle to confirm if it has pre-existing damage, fill out the basic questionnaire, send the data requested by the platform and receive the premium amount, that is, the amount you have to pay. You can do it by direct debit, transfer or MB. More. You will choose the modalities you want, and you will be able to enrich the coverage with damage that may occur to your vehicle, more protection for the occupants, replacement car, coverage against vandalism and natural phenomena, crash, collision, rollover, fire, deprivation of use. , theft or robbery and even medical coverage.

At Pisca Seguros, the contract is tailored to your needs and to avoid a high premium, you can create a deductible for your own damages, that is, determine an amount that you are willing to pay in the event of an accident, and above that amount, the insurer will pay. Plus, to avoid spending a lot of money on insurance before the holidays, you can split it up, that is, pay by semester or quarter and, in this way, control the immediate expense.

And, of course, in addition to the mandatory car insurance, there is optional breakdown insurance, which includes repairs on site or in a workshop, towing of the vehicle and payment for transport home for the driver and passengers, or a stay in a hotel while the repair is being carried out.

Now, let’s not forget about the insurance for the motorcycle that was left in the garage, but is the weekend toy. Just like with a car, it is mandatory insurance in terms of third-party coverage, but there may be much more coverage depending on your needs, including damage to your helmet.

This summer, do it with this family: take Pisca Seguros with you and travel with the confidence that you are always (well) protected. Happy holidays and happy travels!

Source: Observadora

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