HomeWorldLondon mayor Sadiq Khan may lose police power over...

London mayor Sadiq Khan may lose police power over Home Office investigation

Londoner Sadiq Khan may soon lose influence over the city’s policing, which is now one of his main responsibilities, after a critic asked some of his powers to sack the left-wing mayor.

Interior Minister Priti Patel said in an independent review that the Labor politician should consider a possible abolition of police powers.

While such a loss would no doubt be a blow to a progressive mayor, Londoners probably won’t mourn, given Khan’s disastrous record in fighting crime in the British capital, as criminal liability is one of his core competencies. .

According to the report TimePatel ordered an investigation to examine Khan’s powers shortly after the mayor “dazzled” the home secretary by sacking former Metropolitan Police chief Cressida Dick after accusations of “misogyny” on her staff.

Patel will now have to legally consider Khan’s view on appointing a replacement for the abandoned commissioner, whose contract Patel recently extended by two years.

The review will now look at what power the mayor of London should have over local police, and the main reviewer will focus on whether the mayor’s role can be reduced to help curb political influence over the head of the Met.

The move will reportedly anger London officials and even be the final blow to a long-standing feud between Patel and Khan.

The couple also recently fell victim to the decriminalization of cannabis after a left-wing politician announced that he wanted to explore the legal status of cannabis in the UK.

Apparently inspired by Khan’s “truth-finding mission” at a Los Angeles marijuana store, the left-wing mayor has pledged to fight for a commission on drug decriminalization, saying it will help protect Londoners from drug-related crime.

The call drew a strong backlash from Patel, who said Khan had no right to legalize such illegal drugs.

“Sadiq Khan’s time is better in London to fight knife and drug crimes,” said the Home Secretary, who criticized the mayor of London and said drugs are destroying communities, families are breaking up and lives are being destroyed. Khan has no power to change the drug law, but he can instruct the city police not to enforce the rules, resulting in de facto legalization.

While there is likely to be some venom in these words, Patel’s criticism is not unfounded, as Khan has led to a significant increase in crime, particularly in London, where stabbings are ubiquitous in the capital.

The problem has become so serious that the head of the Interior Ministry has had to lift restrictions on the controversial “stop and call” authority, which allows police to search for someone if they expect serious violence.

“No one should suffer the pain and suffering of the victims of these heinous crimes, and we have a responsibility to them to do everything we can to prevent future tragedies,” Patel said of the decision, which he hopes will help reduce the number. attacks in London and beyond.

“I wholeheartedly support the police so they can continue their work in combating knife crime by making it easier for the police to use these powers to seize more weapons, arrest more suspects and save more lives.”

Source: Breitbart

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