“Ukrainian extremists are planning to blow up containers with pesticides at the Azot plant in the city of Severodonetsk,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

“According to the Kyiv plan, the explosion of containers containing more than 100 tons of saltpeter and nitric acid will impede the movement of Russian troops and the troops of the Donbass and Donetsk republics forward, and they plan to lay the blame for the disaster on Russia, which is accompanied by human casualties, as it happens,” Zakharova said. Is always.

“It is very unfortunate that the Kyiv regime fabricates such plays at the expense of the lives of its civilians,” she said, referring to what they did in the cities of Bucha and Kramatorsk.

In another context, Zakharova referred to “the persecution of Russian media in the United States and announced her intention to respond proportionately if the situation in Washington continues in this vein.”

And she stressed that “if the party behind these persecutions does not stop, whether in the US State Department or the White House or wherever they practice them against Russian media and Russian journalists, we will of course act proportionately, pointing out that Russian journalists in America face unbearable working conditions on the American side as well.” He refuses to issue them visas.