HomeWorldNGO boat with 306 people awaits port for safe...

NGO boat with 306 people awaits port for safe disembarkation

The humanitarian ship ‘Ocean Viking’, of SOS Méditerranée, rescued 15 people on Tuesday who were in a small inflatable boat in the central Mediterranean, which was now carrying 306 migrants on board and waiting for a safe port to disembark.

These people “have to land now”warned the non-governmental organization (NGO) in a publication released today on social networks, highlighting that this was the eighth rescue in the last 10 days.

As in other situations in the past, the NGO now awaits the assignment of a safe port to disembark the rescued migrants on the central Mediterranean route, one of the deadliest migratory routes, which leaves Libya, Algeria and Tunisia towards the Italian territories. and maltese.

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On the other hand, the ship ‘Geo Barents’, belonging to the Doctors Without Borders (MSF) organization, docked this Sunday in the port of Taranto, in the Italian region of Apulia, to disembark 65 survivors of a shipwreck registered on 28 of June. , in which at least 30 people missing, including several children and babies.

MSF was also transporting the body of a pregnant woman, who died on board after medical staff tried unsuccessfully to revive her.

According to data from the Italian Ministry of the Interior, collected until July 4, from the beginning of the year 28,405 migrants have already reached the country’s shores, a number that exceeds the figures recorded in the same period last year: 21,619.

The Italian Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, will travel to Turkey today, where, among other issues that he will discuss with the Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is the issue of migration, since the number of immigrants arriving on Italian shores from Turkey It has tripled since last year.

Source: Observadora

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