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The plan of the Israeli army to attack Iran… this is what Kochavi revealed!

Israeli Army Chief of Staff Aviv Kohavi said on Sunday, July 17, 2022, that Tel Aviv is developing military plans for an attack aimed at “Iran’s nuclear threat,” noting that there are several plans against the nuclear project.

These statements of Kehavi were expressed in a speech yesterday evening, Sunday, at the ceremony of the change of command of the army’s internal front command.

The Israeli newspaper “Yediot Aharonot” quoted Kochavi and wrote: “The military option against Iran’s nuclear program is a moral duty.”

According to the report of Rahdana information network; According to Al Jazeera, Kehavi added: “Military action against Iran’s nuclear project is the core of our preparations and includes various practical plans.”

In the same context, Kehavi said: “Preparing the home front for war is a task that must be accelerated in the coming years, especially since we have to work against Iran’s nuclear threat and the Israeli army is still preparing for a heavy attack.” “Iran must prepare for any change and any scenario.”

Kochavi’s statement comes after the statement of Kamal Kharazi, the senior advisor to the leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, that Tehran is technically capable of building a nuclear bomb, but has not yet made a decision to implement it.

Kharazi made these statements to Al Jazeera a day after US President Joe Biden’s four-day visit to Israel and Saudi Arabia ended, and pledged to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.

Kharazi’s comments were a rare indication that Iran may be interested in nuclear weapons, something it has long denied.

“In a few days, we were able to enrich uranium up to 60% and we can easily produce 90% uranium,” Kharazi said. decided to build it.”

Earlier, Israel threatened to attack Iran’s nuclear sites if diplomacy failed to curb Tehran’s nuclear ambitions. According to Kharazi, “His country will never negotiate on its missile program and regional policy as demanded by the West and its allies in the Middle East. “

It should be noted that Iran is currently enriching uranium up to 60%, which is much higher than the 3.67% limit stipulated in the 2015 Tehran nuclear agreement with world powers, and enriching 90% of uranium makes it possible to build a nuclear bomb. to give

In 2018, former US President Donald Trump withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal signed with world powers in 2015, under which Iran limited its uranium enrichment activities in exchange for easing economic sanctions imposed on it.

In response to Washington’s withdrawal and the reimposition of tough sanctions, Tehran began to violate JCPOA nuclear restrictions, and Iran’s intelligence minister said last year that Western pressure could push Tehran to acquire nuclear weapons, the development of which Khamenei has banned in a fatwa. did In the early 2000s. Second.

Source: Lebanon Debate

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