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“The countdown has begun”…sanitary disaster at the gate of Gaza!

The Palestinian Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip warned of the disastrous consequences of the escalation of the Zionist regime’s aggression in the Gaza Strip, especially in view of the severe shortage of medicine and medical consumables, with the deliberate targeting of crowded residential areas by the occupiers.

The Ministry of Health of Palestine announced about the latest developments in the health situation with the escalation of the continuous aggression of the Zionist regime on the cities and provinces of the Gaza Strip: the Israeli occupation has focused its aggression on targeting residential areas, which has caused an increase in the number of people. Victims of children, women and civilians and serious injuries.

In a statement, he warned that “medical staff in hospitals are working according to the existing and limited facilities due to the 15-year siege of the Zionist regime” and emphasized that “the medical situation in the Ministry of Health is getting better.” The worst situation in recent years is that the lack of essential drugs has reached 40%, the lack of 32% of medical consumables, and 60% of laboratory and blood bank supplies.

The Ministry of Health confirmed that the continued closure of the “Beit Hanoun/Erz” checkpoint in front of the traffic of patients referred abroad and the lack of access to life-saving cases aggravates their health condition, especially the sick patients. Tumors and the heart, which face an unknown fate.

He clarified: The occupation still prevents the entry of 24 X-ray diagnostic devices and also prevents the entry of spare parts needed to maintain other damaged devices, which are important in providing emergency interventions to the injured in the emergency room. operations and special care.”

With the shutdown of the power plant in the Gaza Strip, the Ministry of Health announced that the “countdown to the shutdown of health services will begin in the next 72 hours” and warned that “the coming hours are critical and difficult.”

He pointed out that power outages pose a serious threat to the work of vital departments of hospitals, especially emergency departments, special care, operations, dialysis departments, laboratories, kindergartens, laundries, oxygen systems and medical gases. .

Pointing out that a power outage leads to the stoppage of desalinated water, sewage pumps and water supply to homes, which may bring a severe health and humanitarian disaster, he clarified: the Ministry of Health through the Central Emergency Committee and the Committee in the regions, in a continuous meeting to follow up work developments in hospitals and health centers to improve the medical care of the injured according to the existing and limited capacities.

Due to the developments in the field and the continuation of violations, the Ministry of Health decided to “stop work in outpatient clinics in all hospitals and stop scheduled surgeries to provide full opportunity for emergency operations for victims of ongoing violations.” ”

The Ministry of Health called on all international, humanitarian and relief organizations to “stand up to their responsibilities for pressuring the occupiers to evacuate the patients from the Beit Hanoun checkpoint and immediately work to ensure the immediate health of the health system.” Fuel needs and supply”.

Source: Lebanon Debate

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