HomeEconomyEconomic Advisor WH Rose: Economic downturn 'mild as we...

Economic Advisor WH Rose: Economic downturn ‘mild as we expected’

Cecilia Rose, chair of the Council of Economic Advisors, said in an interview with MSNBC on Tuesday that the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy is “starting to slow the economy” and is “as loose as we expected.”

“We totally understand the struggle that inflation creates, so the president is really focused on that. That’s why he gives the Federal Reserve the freedom and freedom to use monetary policy tools to control inflation. He’s also focused on bringing as much oil to the market as possible. This will lower the price of oil,” Rose said. That’s the world market price. That’s why, in partnership with partners and allies, he made historic releases from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. So we have the releases. That’s why he was in the Middle East to celebrate OPEC-Plus’ decision to increase production and encourage them to do more. He works in oil refineries. Secretary Granholm works with processors to ask what we can do to help you increase your ability to process more products. Here we are – working to bring more products to market. That’s how prices are falling. The war in Ukraine is definitely a challenge. The food supply we are trying to solve the problem so that the world f We can lower their prices again. So we all hope that these factors will work out on their own. I understand we want this to happen soon, but we’re already seeing signs that the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy is starting to slow the economy down. So far it has been as light as we hoped. But let’s face it, as you’ve highlighted, we’re getting a lot of data this week and learning more about where we are.”

Source: Breitbart

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