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The Lisbon Chamber launches an award for innovative solutions in health, education and migration

The Lisbon City Council (CML) will launch the social innovation award “Lisbon Innovation for All”, which aims to find solutions in the areas of health, education and migration, the municipality reported this Wednesday.

The Award, according to a note from the chamber, is launched in Lisbon Unicorn Week, the 13th Lisbon Entrepreneurship Week, which will run until the weekend, and applications for Opening, extensions and entrepreneurs who want to present innovative ideas or projects, with the potential to create an impact in the city of Lisbon, inaugurated on June 1.

The objective of this initiative is “to identify, promote and improve innovative solutions to respond to the main social challenges facing cities and that can have practical application in Lisbon.”

“Lisbon Innovation for All” has three categories: Quality of Education, Access to Health Care and Integration of Migrants.

In Education Quality areaThe objective is to find innovative solutions to improve learning capacity in primary and secondary education, reinforce technological skills and promote critical and creative thinking.

The objective is, according to the municipality, “to test alternative learning methods and provide new teaching tools.”

In university education, the goal is to “reduce the cost of living for university students, make it easier to find a room or apartment to live in the city, and improve access to financial support.”

“The candidates for Access to the Health category must present innovative ideas or projects that harness the power of preventive health, especially through the use of medical wearables (electronic devices), that promote better management of chronic diseases, focusing on medication adherence and monitoring of the patient”, it is mentioned in the note.

This category also aims to increase the city’s ability to attract healthcare professionals, find creative or alternative solutions to the lack of access to family doctors and waiting lists.

About Migrant integration categoryThe objective is to improve “interoperability and the exchange of information between public institutions, NGOs and the private sector to integrate immigrants and facilitate navigation in complex bureaucratic procedures.”

“There will be a great focus on decent housing, support to find employment and combat racism and discrimination,” the note highlights.

Applications for this award open June 1. This will be followed by a pre-selection phase by CML, Unicorn Factory Lisboa and social innovation experts who will select the projects with the greatest potential within each category.

Then, in a second phase, a jury made up of CML, Unicorn Factory Lisboa and experts in social innovation will evaluate the projects to select three finalists for each category, who will go to a testing or proof of concept phase.

In this proof of concept phase, the “finalists will spend six months delving into the problem, preparing and implementing the pilot project adjusted to the reality of an area of ​​Lisbon and testing the solution so that it can then be implemented on a scale in the city. ”.

Based on the results of the pilot projects, one winner per category will be selected based on their success and will receive a monetary prize of 120 thousand euros, as well as the continued support of the city and Unicorn Factory Lisbon to implement the solution.

Source: Observadora

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