Creators of the new movie beautiful blue eyes, Facebook, which portrays the late Roy Scheider as a Holocaust survivor, says it banned them from advertising or promoting the film because the title violated its content policy with “explicit or implied claims or allusions to the person’s race.” After Breitbart News sought comment from Mark Zuckerberg and Masters of the Universe, the company said the ban was “inadvertently made”.
rolling rock In early September, director Joshua Newton reported that he had begun the process of promoting his new film. beautiful blue eyes, It follows Roy Scheider’s story, which marks his final performance and pursues the murder of his family during the Holocaust, as an NYPD cop discovers that he believes the Nazis were responsible for their deaths.
However, Newton soon received a call from Peter Rupert, the digital media buyer of the film’s distributor, MovieFarm, informing him that Facebook had banned filmmakers from promoting or advertising the film on their platform. Facebook said the problem was the title of the movie, which referred to the color of the eyes of a boy who died at the hands of the Nazis in a key scene of the movie.
Facebook said the caption violated the company’s policy regarding content that “contains direct or indirect statements or allusions about a person’s race,” among other personal characteristics. Newton is the son of two Holocaust survivors and is disgusted by the social media giant’s decision.
“This is the job of haters – and unfortunately there are many in our society – who are trying to destroy the movie to trivialize the Holocaust,” Newton said. rolling rock. “Of course Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t want that to happen.”
The director appealed the decision, but Facebook upheld the ban and wrote Rupert in a message: “After requesting a review of your Facebook account, we have confirmed that it does not comply with our advertising policies or other standards.” The message continued: “You can no longer advertise products on Facebook. This is our final decision.”
Commenting on the decision, Newton said, “Every honest and sane person on this planet should be alarmed that Meta-Facebook has banned advertising of a movie about the Holocaust.” “Mark Zuckerberg has created a monster without surveillance. It is something that can be tagged by an algorithm. Another thing is that the Meta-Facebook staff revise and support the flag, knowing very well that the headline is not discriminatory and that the movie is about the Holocaust.
At the time, Newton said he was considering legal options. “Clearly, [Mark Zuckerberg] Newton said his company was too busy building its presence in the metaverse. “Zuckerberg should pay attention to what’s going on in the real world instead of focusing on virtual reality.”
However, the decision appears to have been reversed following a request for comment from Breitbart News. A Facebook spokesperson (now known as Meta) told Breitbart News: “We reviewed the ad and the associated page and determined that the app was incorrect, so we removed the restriction.”
The company did not specify whether Newton knew of the restriction being lifted or whether it had approved previously banned ads.
read more too rolling rock here.
Source: Breitbart