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More than 100 French figures call for the resignation of the minister for LGBTQ discrimination

More than a hundred public figures in France, including deputies, Olympic athletes, doctors and artists, published this Sunday a call for the resignation of the Minister of Territorial Development for having made statements that stigmatize homosexuality and LGBTQ people.

Signatories to the appeal, published in the Journal du Dimanche, also included a former prime minister, a former adviser to French President Emmanuel Macron and other names in the centrist political camp.

Caroline Cayeux’s comments drew much criticism, including from her government colleagues, and led to widespread discussion. about persistent discriminatory attitudes on the part of people in power.

In an interview granted this Tuesday to Public Senat radio, the minister considered that her opposition to the 2013 law authorizing same-sex marriage and adoption in France and her statements at the time referring to the fact that the two acts were “against nature” were being misunderstood and wrongly portraying her as prejudiced.

“I stand by my observations. I always said that if the law was approved, I would apply it, “he said, adding that he has” many friends among all these people “and being”subjected to an unfair trial“.

The statements caused a stir among LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer) people and those who fight against discrimination, and even presented a formal complaint in court for public insults.

Cayeux then posted a message of regret on the social network. twitterstating that his words had been “inappropriate” and sent a letter to anti-discrimination groups apologizing, having assured the newspaper the parisian that the comments “do not reflect their opinions”.

However, many of his critics questioned the sincerity of the change in stance and claimed that the damage had already been done.

“How can we believe that the Government will respect equality for all and commit to fighting discrimination and guaranteeing gender freedom?” asks an “online” petition created by LGBTQ groups that calls for the resignation of Cayeux and two others members of the Government who opposed the same-sex marriage law.

The maintenance of Cayeux in the Government seems, however, to be guaranteed, after the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, said on Friday that the comments were “clumsy“, but followed by an apology.

The prime minister assured, however, that she will be “attentive” and that she will support the fight against LGBTQ discrimination.

Source: Observadora

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