EU Commissioner for Foreign Policy Josep Borrell condemned “Russian measures to annex Ukrainian lands that will not be recognized by us” and emphasized that “we have expanded the list of Russian persons and bodies subject to sanctions”, explaining that “European sanctions will include all who contributed to the holding of a referendum in the territories controlled by Russia in Ukraine.

Electoral commissions in the regions of the referendum on joining Russia in the south and east of Ukraine announced yesterday the final results of the vote count.

According to the election commission of the Donetsk People’s Republic, the count of all votes cast in the referendum on joining Russia showed that 99.23 percent of those who voted were in favor of joining.

For her part, the head of the Central Election Commission of the Lugansk People’s Republic, Elena Kravchenko, said that 98.54% of voters voted for joining Russia.

The Electoral Commission of the Kherson region in southern Ukraine announced that 87.05% of the region’s voters voted in favor of joining Russia.

As for the head of the CEC of the Zaporozhye region, he pointed out that after counting all the votes, 93.11% of voters voted for joining Russia.