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Macron dramatizes his speech and says that the proposals of the “extremists” lead “to civil war”

Criticizing the National Union and the rebellious France, the French president affirms that both parties “are responding badly” to the problems, “with the increase in conflicts and civil war.”

The programs of the “two extremes” of politics are leading “to civil war,” said French President Emmanuel Macron in a podcast issued this Monday, in which he criticized the National Union and France Insoumise, as well as their respective supporters.

“[Quando se trata de insegurança] The response of the extreme right, because it refers to a people, a religion or an origin, divides and pushes towards civil war,” warned the French head of state in the podcastGeneration Do it yourself” (“Do It Yourself Generation”, in free translation).

On the other hand, The rebellious France proposes “a form of communitarianism (…) that also leads to civil war,” Macron continued. Less than a week before the first round of the early legislative elections, scheduled for Sunday, June 30.

“But it is also the civil war that is behind [da França Insubmissa]because, first of all, it refers to people exclusively to their religious or community affiliation,” he added.

And he argued: “I think this is a danger and that is why I believe that both the National Union [extrema-direita] like rebellious France [extrema-esquerda] “They are responding to real problems (…) real anger, real anguish, the anguish of the person who says ‘we are not responding to my security problem’, the person who says ‘I am not recognized or protected because I am Muslim’.” .

But, In Macron’s opinion, the two parties “are responding poorly” to these problems, “increasing conflicts and civil war.”.

[Já saiu o sexto e último episódio de “Matar o Papa”, o novo podcast Plus do Observador que recua a 1982 para contar a história da tentativa de assassinato de João Paulo II em Fátima por um padre conservador espanhol. Ouça aqui o primeiro episódio, aqui o segundo, aqui o terceiro, aqui o quarto episódio e aqui o quinto episódio.]

“I think the answer lies in greater effectiveness, but within the Republic. When people are fed up with everything, when everyday life is difficult, they can be tempted by extremes that offer quicker solutions. But the solution will never be to reject others,” Macron insisted.

“In relation to those who feel tempted by both extremes, what we have to do in the next two or three years is to say ‘we have to be much firmer, much stronger where the Republic fails in security and impunity,'” he added. .

Emmanuel Macron also stated that he wanted to be “much firmer, much more effective” in matters where “the Republic is incapable of offering equal opportunities.”

The defeat of the Renaissance presidential party and the overwhelming victory of the National Union, which includes the figure of Marine Le Pen, in the European elections on June 9 caused a “political earthquake” in France, to which the French president, Emmanuel Macron , reacted by dissolving the National Assembly and calling early legislative elections.

The French legislative elections will take place in two rounds: June 30 and July 7.

Source: Observadora

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