HomeEconomyRIR wants wage convergence in the EU to avoid...

RIR wants wage convergence in the EU to avoid youth emigration

The leader of the React Include Recycle (RIR) party list considered this Wednesday that wage convergence in the European Union (EU) could cause young Portuguese to emigrate because they want to and not out of necessity.

“Many of our young people finish their studies and emigrate in search of better salaries, if we manage to achieve convergence at the level of EU salaries, not only minimum, but average, Let’s prevent this emigration from happening and only those who want to emigrate, and not out of necessity.“said Márcia Henriques, before a meeting with the International Labor Organization (ILO), in Lisbon.

The duty of EU leaders is to make decisions on senior positions in June

The RIR candidate considered it important to “achieve convergence in terms of wages for working time, an issue in which there is a great disparity between Member States.” “Even internally There is a great disparity between public and private employees in terms of working hours.“said Márica Henriques, showing that she is aware that convergence “is not achieved in one or two years, but in the long term.”

The head of the RIR list stated that the meeting with the ILO “allows us to understand the reality of the numbers,” considering that “within one mandate it is possible to begin to move towards convergence in salary levels.”

With a campaign very focused “on specific meetings with various organizations, to learn the realities,” the RIR candidate intends to meet on Thursday at the Ukrainian embassy. “This meeting makes a lot of sense, even more so because President Zelensky was here yesterday. [terça-feira]an important agreement was signed and in terms of EU enlargement we have a cautious position, We are not against it, but we have to do it with rules”The existing military situation does not allow this expansion to be carried out hastily and without rules,” he stated.

The meeting between Marcelo and Zelensky lasted almost two hours. Privately, they discussed the peace summit in Switzerland and Ukraine’s accession to NATO and the EU.

In Portugal, the European elections, in which 21 of the 720 MEPs will be elected, will take place on June 9 and 17 parties and coalitions will participate: AD, PS, Chega, IL, BE, CDU, Livre, PAN, ADN , MAS, Rise up, Nova Direita, Volt Portugal, RIR, Us Citizens, MPT and PTP.

Source: Observadora

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